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Thanks you are so helpful NOT! I take it to mean no stranger to prison,pub brawls and frequenting The Jeremy Kyle Show with the greasy combed look Complete stranger to books,baths and chastity I took it to mean "common" not rough which is more apt imo Was Keva right to call Corin "rough"?
Didn't Caiomhe's own mother call her "my favourite Slapper"?
I would have thought a Slapper could be thought of as Rough
So you agree with Coaimhe then OP?, just needing to clarify the meaning of her comment was the purpose of the thread?.
I think Coamhe was disingenuous to say it.I also think of rough as different to common.....common is not anything like as bad as rough.

But everyone else seems to think it means the same thing which has  me.
Where I come from there are various meanings to the word:-

you can look as *rough as a badger's a*se* the morning after the night before
you can be *rough* a la Jeremy Kyle...fond of a punch up and gobbing off
or....*common*...based upon your appearance, accent and where you live.....I think that this last is what Keever means...and the woman needs a good look in the mirror before she calls anyone else names.
I agree Kaytee how shallow people are Corin is lovely, green eyed monster comes to mind with them, never judge a cover by its book you will mostly always get it wrong.
I think we all judged Corin wrongly on first impressions, based upon her channeling Jordan, but we were all so wrong and discovered that pretty quickly, unfortunately some HMs refuse to see that Corin is a genuinely nice person and not as bitter and twisted as the rest of them
Whatever way it was meant, I'm sure it wasn't complimentary. This all started because Corin showed them she can lose it like anyone else, it shocked them all.If she had said nothing and, she'd have been fake, she blew up and she's rough. Keeva may regret saying that when Corin gets out   
I'm more inclined to say Keeva is common/rough with all that effing and jeffing that comes out of her nasty gob.
Dame A you are right. In Dublin to call someone rough implies that they are from an inferior background and might be prone to violence, using the word 'common' means pretty much the same thing. A very, very nasty thing for Caoimhe to say.

Keeva knows exactly what it means Fairfax, Keeva called Corin it the other night and Shabby looked shocked. She then tried to explain in whispers/code what it means in English, Keeva knew  what it meant alright.
Corin's not rough but she dresses common.Thats not supposed to be derogatory....its what everyone said about her when she first arrived..there was a lot of OMG whats she wearing,the hairpieces etc..coupled with the way she talks,and I dont mean her accent,its her uneducated superficiality.

However her breasts may be fake but i dont think her character is.Shes warm and supportive,and pretty mature in her behaviour.

Kevin on the other hand looks down on her when she should be looking inward.
I took it to mean "common" not rough which is more apt imo

Was Keva right to call Corin "rough"?
Is Corin being called rough maybe something to do with her they think we're all rough 'up North'...????

Corins accent may seem strange to some people, as might Nathans, but not to me, because we all talk like that up round these parts, I must add not quite as mardy voiced as Corin but the accent is still the same...I don't think she's rough or common, she's just a nice person who Keeva is jealous of...
The Devil In Diamante

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