• It's been heavily hinted that Gran Turismo 5 will be dated for Japan, perhaps releasing as early as November. We're also holding out for a new trailer for The Last Guardian.
  • Sony said at its gamescom conference that the motion controller will be shown off at Tokyo Game Show, so expect new footage, and perhaps a date and images of the final product, which will be expected to arrive in six months' time.
  • Sony is looking to release every PS2 title on PSN, as well as a host of Dreamcast releases for the platform, if leaks are to be believed. It's unknown whether this will be mentioned at the conference.
  • Will Yakuza 3 finally be officially confirmed for the West?
  • Square Enix has said that Final Fantasy XIII will be playable, however no new trailers will be made available. But what about announcements? We'll have to wait and see.
  • Although not attending TGS, will Nintendo draw attention away from Sony by announcing the next Wii for 2011?

    There are plenty of rumours and speculation to go on, making for a very exciting expo. Follow our Gaming section throughout the week for the latest news and trailers, and join Level Up in the early hours of tomorrow (2.30am) for live announcements from Sony as they break.

    What do you want to see from TGS 2009? Expecting any big shocks from Sony? Add a comment in the space below!