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I have to face the 'wrath' of the new Government next week. Going for a medical. Please find me a job I can do at home and I willingly do it.
There was a BBC Scotland documentary all about ATOS and it's shitness failings on iplayer last month, a blogger I read posted the link. Was depressing viewing even if you don't have to face it...

Citizens Advice have declared the whole shebang "Unfit for purpose"
Do you want to know an awesome secret on how to give up? No? Well, I'm telling you anyway. Every time you crave a fag, have an apple instead
Here's a good tip ........put an inch of water in a jam jar. Every time you finish a ciggie chuck it in the jar ......let it build up. When you fancy a cigarette - open up the jar and inhale deeply's quite revolting but really good aversion therapy.
Soozy Woo
And cloths that have been used to wipe up in the kitchen.
I hate that too - I'm constantly bleaching mine cos I really cant stand that kitchen ming
peasouper smog with all the smokers frantically lighting up before either getting on the train or coming off.

milk that has gone off
I bought 4 pints of milk from the fella on the corner earlier and it's gone off Tomorrow when I take it back he'll be lucky if I dont pour the whole lot over his bloody head!
When I was younger I wasn't allowed to have dinner in a couple of my friends houses. They had 7 or 8 kids to feed and were both on the dole, so it was a case of they have enough mouths to feed without feeding you as well. Whenever I had dinner in Momma K's house my mother always knew but if I had dinner in Momma Mc's she'd never know. Years it took me to figure it out.

Momma K would have chips with everything (the reason I loved having dinner there). Momma Mc made the best stew ever and bacon & cabbage. Momma Mc would say in the morning 'I'm making stew Catherine will I put your name in the pot?' *drools at the memory*
Angel perfume
You are one of the first people to say that about Angel (I assume you are on about the Thierry Muglar one)

On me it smells so vile its hard to believe its on sale as a fragrance... HOWEVER, I first smelled it on my friend and its really lovely on her!

I think it must react differently with different peoples body chemicals or something
Apart from the poo ones mentioned already, I'm with Demantoid in that I can't stand the smell of boiled eggs, though I can eat them. Also things liked blocked drains.

But the worst smell I have ever experienced was that of an area of decomposing bracken I came across on Exmoor - I think it may have been sprayed with some herbicide, but the resulting smell was indescribable.
El Loro
You are one of the first people to say that about Angel (I assume you are on about the Thierry Muglar one) On me it smells so vile its hard to believe its on sale as a fragrance... HOWEVER, I first smelled it on my friend and its really lovely on her! I think it must react differently with different peoples body chemicals or something
That's the one I mean. Beautiful bottle and name, horrible smell. I think it smells foul whoever it's on - like a fire in a Nesquik factory
That's the one I mean. Beautiful bottle and name, horrible smell. I think it smells foul whoever it's on - like a fire in a Nesquik factory
it smelled unrecognisable on my friend... I even asked her what it was cos I liked it so much.

I am with you on the rotten veg smell too....  I gagged last night when I opened a bag of carrots, unaware that it was carrot slush at the bottom.... I knew as soon as I opened the bag though.... it stank the kitchen out!
I can't eat them either. Or poached ones. Bleeuuughhh.
I loathe eggs,the smell makes me sick ...I'm a smell freak tbh not helped by the fact I have a strong sense of smell,my poor little grandson seems to be following in my shoes as did my youngest son....He smells things and responds lovely,we've to get to the stage we got to with this uncle when we dreaded taking him places because of his response to *bad* smells.
I'm a bit like that too, Lee. They were clearing a drain next to the cashpoint where I was queuing the other day. Rest of the people in line just sniffed and said "pooh", but I started gagging uncontrollably and had to leave!
I'm really bad Deman,a few years back I was in Macys in NY,I'd found some fab bargains and ended up with a loaded trolley in the handbag dept...I was looking for things in the lower shelves when this woman appeared beside me,well the lower half of her body,OMG the smell that oozed  from her was odious....I had to run outside and was stood being sick into a bag,hailed a cab and had to go home ,absolutely terrible.

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