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am i allowed to say pish soaked old men ?
I don't envy your life if that's a regular inconvenience for you

Erm, didn't Corin mean 'aura'

I can't stand the smell of vomit, cheap perfume, parmesan cheese (although I'm getting better with that), B.O. and unwashed people in general, sewers, grease/frying on clothes - especially onions, stinky feet/ people who wear trainers with no socks - that's just minging, raw chicken...and I'm trying to give up smoking at the mo so hoping cigarette smoke will soon too.
Stale cigarette smoke on breath or clothes
Wet ashtrays
Sansara perfume by Guerlain *throws up everywhere*
Dog poo
Cat breath
Wet dog
Oniony BO
Damp clothes which have not been dried properly
Dirty dishcloth when wiped on kitchen surface
Burnt potato or rice
Burnt hair
Cigar smoke
Cheesy feet
Sweaty bum crack smell (I know someone who smells of this ALL the time!!!)
Mince meat blood in packet

That's all for now...

I am very sensitive to smells and hate anything smelly
and I'm trying to give up smoking at the mo so hoping cigarette smoke will soon too.
Do you want to know an awesome secret on how to give up? No? Well, I'm telling you anyway. Every time you crave a fag, have an apple instead

I don't smoke, nor have I ever smoked, so don't know if it really works but I bet it does
I had horrific travel sickness, grew out of it mostly by the time I was about 13, 
me too!  It got to the point where I would feel sick before we even set off anywhere.

I'd be upchucking within the first half hour of the roadtrip!

So.... what do my parents decide would be a nice family holiday...   a trip to the south of france... in the car, and just for good luck they decided to invite my aunt & uncle.

4 adults, 2 kids in your average sized saloon car...    I vomited my way round France!

nice parents!
Or they might ferment, you'd be permanently drunk!
At least I could put the gin down! (Considering I have never drunk Gin in my life this would be quite an achievement)

Yeah but being full of gas is a distraction and what do you do when your full of gas? You fart! Which is even more of a distraction
Sometimes, I just want to pat your head and look at you sympathetically.
me too! It got to the point where I would feel sick before we even set off anywhere. I'd be upchucking within the first half hour of the roadtrip! So.... what do my parents decide would be a nice family holiday... a trip to the south of france... in the car, and just for good luck they decided to invite my aunt & uncle. 4 adults, 2 kids in your average sized saloon car... I vomited my way round France! nice parents!
Yeah mine decided a coach trip to Germany was a good idea!
but i still need to deal with urine soaked peeps
Are you in the nursing/care arena? This is why I just couldn't go into something like that and I rate anyone who does that kind of job. I just couldn't be dealing with urine soaked people or having to wash old people's bits for them. My generosity would stretch to going to the shops and tidying up but anything else and they're on their jacks I'm afraid!
Reference: PC
Or maybe that's just me
Evening xx

No, it's not just you. I gave up 3 years ago and I'm a bit of an anti smoking Nazi now. I get the most annoyed when I have to walk past the underground station and it's like a peasouper smog with all the smokers frantically lighting up before either getting on the train or coming off.
I try not to be mean as I remember how good that cig tasted after an hour on the tube but it does annoy me

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