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Originally Posted by Clumsycat:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Clumsycat:

not working, the paste option is greyed out

Which browser do you use CC? 

internet explorer

Ah, I don't think the C&P works on there. A glitch that hasn't been ironed out yet I think. You can do it through a pic uploading site like Photobucket or Tinypic though. I think a lot of us use Chrome for this site only. I know I have to. Everything else works fine in IE. I hope that helps. 

Originally Posted by Clumsycat:
Originally Posted by sprout:

Ah' I think that's where you have to go through one of the upload sites I mentioned, although someone will correct me if I'm wrong. You may have to download one of them 

thanks.. will try

   I honestly think it would be easier D/L Chrome just to use fr this site though   Hope I'm of some help 


Croc..    do french bulldogs snuffle like english ones do?   are they basically a smaller version of the english bulldog?


Which reminds me..     English Bull Terriers..   when I first saw these dogs I used to think they were really really odd looking, but as time has gone on they have really grown on me.   I love them now..   



Originally Posted by Lori:
Why bugger, clumsy?? What a gorgeous dog you have!

I want a beagle very badly, but alas, my OH is not a dog person, so we've compromised on a cat. (he's not a cat person, either. )

aw..  beagles are lovely.    My friend has a beagle.    They seem to be really prone to getting fat though..   they have to be really careful with his diet.   (cue jokes about weight gain after giving up smoking - ok..  poor taste joke, but hey ho)... 


My friends partner (a doggy convert..  he was not keen on dogs til they got their beagle) is a bit of a fat beagle fascist now..     apparently he stops other beagle owners & gives them a bollocking if their beagle is carrying a few pounds, he justifies this cos he says beagles are the most beautiful dogs ever when they are trim, but when they gain a few pounds they are a disgrace (HIS words I hasten to add.. HIS!)


(thankfully, for my mates sake..   he seems to be more relaxed about his wimmin )

Originally Posted by Croctacus:
French bulldogs have big bat ears. They are nowhere near as big or stocky as English ones. Dudley didn't snuffle! I like Bull terriers as well...there's a lady walks two White ones round here, they are lovely calm friendly dogs.

ooh.. thats good to know.


I have never really known a bull terrier, just petted the odd one in passing. 


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