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my mum once dissed her neighbour to me for not putting on tights/stocking and shoes when at home, "no wonder her husband left her, wearing slippers and bare legs", I didn't know where to put me face. sad but true.
I will let you into a secret, I'm going to a wedding 18th of this month, I will not be wearing any drawers, the line would show up through my dress, even if I wore a thong, I will be wearing hold up stockings, the dress is long enough to cover my modesty, unless I fall over, like I usually do at posh doo's
my mum once dissed her neighbour to me for not putting on tights/stocking and shoes when at home, "no wonder her husband left her, wearing slippers and bare legs", I didn't know where to put me face. sad but true.
Oh no, my lot are all like that
In fact I was TBH till a few years ago...up, dressed, face on, hair done...and now I'm just "meh" with it all...I want fluffy socks...the contact lenses and bra come off/out as soon as I'm in the door...slippers on... 
Oh no, my lot are all like that In fact I was TBH till a few years ago...up, dressed, face on, hair done...and now I'm just "meh" with it all...I want fluffy socks...the contact lenses and bra come off/out as soon as I'm in the door...slippers on
Leccy, yes, i so would not be without me slippers, and make up is for outdoor use only
Why has no one made a comment that I'm sitting here in just Chanel No 5 and nowt else?
I had a bad experience once, someone bought me the proper strong perfume stuff...I mean the real perfume gubbins...and Mr L dropped it down the bog (I daren't ask!)...THEN didn't tell me coz he though I'd be annoyed...and it's not even an eau de toilette joke.  It's just a manky toilet duck experience

Also, nowt you do surprises me much?
I've got dressed now - I'm in black trousers with a black top which ties at the back on.

Essex, I went to a really posh pub in Newbury for a meal with the guys who work for my husband and I was wearing a lovely frock with carvela heels.  They have a little polished ramp which leads into the dining area and i was clutching a J2O and so one of my heels slipped and I went down but I spilt my drink and it went EVERYWHERE! All over me, all over my radley handbag and all over the pressie I was carrying! The heel that slipped went straight into the other leg and I had this massive bruise there for weeks afterward!  I was sooo embarrassed, I'm still not used to being the bosses wife and I had to go and show myself up like that lol lol

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