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I am reading about the Slow Loris at the moment having seen a documentry on BBC2 by Dr Anna Nekaris about how they have become an endangered species after a video on You Tube about one went viral and people have started taking them as part of pet trade. The documentry is still available on catch up (its part of the Natural World series) but it may have you in tears at the end.  


I've just finished Stephen King's latest  " 11.22.63 " and wow what a book!  I went off King for a while because I felt his books were becoming formulaic but he's gone back to his early genious for this one. 


The bookcover blurb reads ~ On November 22 1963 three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed.  If you had the chance to change history, would you?

Would the consequences be worth it?


Jack Epping finds he can time travel and returns to Dallas to stop Lee Harvey Oswold.  It's a riveting read and tho you might hazzard a guess at the outcome ~ you'd be wrong.

Originally Posted by Trollop:

I am reading about the Slow Loris at the moment having seen a documentry on BBC2 by Dr Anna Nekaris about how they have become an endangered species after a video on You Tube about one went viral and people have started taking them as part of pet trade. The documentry is still available on catch up (its part of the Natural World series) but it may have you in tears at the end.  

Trollops fibbing, I know he's reading Peter & Jane book 1a.  I know this because when he rings me he practices his reading and he's still at the building up the words stage. 


Originally Posted by Aquarius:

I've just finished Stephen King's latest  " 11.22.63 " and wow what a book!  I went off King for a while because I felt his books were becoming formulaic but he's gone back to his early genious for this one. 


The bookcover blurb reads ~ On November 22 1963 three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed.  If you had the chance to change history, would you?

Would the consequences be worth it?


Jack Epping finds he can time travel and returns to Dallas to stop Lee Harvey Oswold.  It's a riveting read and tho you might hazzard a guess at the outcome ~ you'd be wrong.

oh I must buy that - I went off him for the same reason ......but if he's back on form it would be a delight - the first few books of his were indeed genius!

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Trollop:

I am reading about the Slow Loris at the moment having seen a documentry on BBC2 by Dr Anna Nekaris about how they have become an endangered species after a video on You Tube about one went viral and people have started taking them as part of pet trade. The documentry is still available on catch up (its part of the Natural World series) but it may have you in tears at the end.  

Trollops fibbing, I know he's reading Peter & Jane book 1a.  I know this because when he rings me he practices his reading and he's still at the building up the words stage. 


oooooooooooh - I'm a bit older - my reading scheme was Janet and John


Soozy Woo

I read the back cover of a book at work - so if you recognise it please help with the title

it went like this . . .


"The phone wrang, Andrew picked up and said hello. A voice he hadn't heard since school days, but was never the less totally recognisable began to say Andrew's name, followed by the first line of his address as he gasped for breath and tried to stifle a scream. The voice on the phone finally managed to blurt out Andrew's post code when the line went dead"


Wots that book? Sounds great!!!

Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:
Originally Posted by Aquarius:

I've just finished Stephen King's latest  " 11.22.63 " and wow what a book!  I went off King for a while because I felt his books were becoming formulaic but he's gone back to his early genious for this one. 


The bookcover blurb reads ~ On November 22 1963 three shots rang out in Dallas, President Kennedy died, and the world changed.  If you had the chance to change history, would you?

Would the consequences be worth it?


Jack Epping finds he can time travel and returns to Dallas to stop Lee Harvey Oswold.  It's a riveting read and tho you might hazzard a guess at the outcome ~ you'd be wrong.

oh I must buy that - I went off him for the same reason ......but if he's back on form it would be a delight - the first few books of his were indeed genius!

I've seen that advertised, and like you both I used to be an avid Stephen King fan (the descriptiveness of the hobbling in Misery, could never ever have been translated on to film) but haven't read any in ages.  I might give this a go.  (My fav SK book, is definitely The Stand)

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Hoochie & Aquarius, after reading about the new Stephen King novel, I dashed off to Amazon to buy it which I did, but I also ended up ordering a George Michael cd (for the Mr), a pasta machine, a ravioli cutter and a pasta drying stand..... How did that happen 

Cinds, that was naughty.  But something I do quite often myself!!  I bought a watch the other day ~ like I need another watch?


I know you will enjoy the book ~ King back to his old self.  I couldn't put it down and had many a night without sleep as I just had to turn over the next page ~ all 700 of them!


Hoochie, I hope you will get that same kick of starting a Stephen King book.  You just never know where he's gonna take you.  Let me know how you both get on with it xx

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

I've seen that advertised, and like you both I used to be an avid Stephen King fan (the descriptiveness of the hobbling in Misery, could never ever have been translated on to film) but haven't read any in ages.  I might give this a go.  (My fav SK book, is definitely The Stand)

cinds - totally agree with that.    misery is the only SK book I've read, but I've seen the TV series (or was it a film) of The Stand and loved it.   I've seen a few dramatisations of his stuff,now I'm thinking I need to read some more.


Kaffy the Stand was billed as both a movie & a mini series, it was 6 hours long, broken down in to 3 parts.  It had to be that way to keep the story line.  I loved it, and it had the added bonus of starring Gary Sinise. (who I sadly had to unfollow on twitter this week because his tweets had become majority paid tweets and I hate those)

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Trollop:

I am reading about the Slow Loris at the moment having seen a documentry on BBC2 by Dr Anna Nekaris about how they have become an endangered species after a video on You Tube about one went viral and people have started taking them as part of pet trade. The documentry is still available on catch up (its part of the Natural World series) but it may have you in tears at the end.  

Trollops fibbing, I know he's reading Peter & Jane book 1a.  I know this because when he rings me he practices his reading and he's still at the building up the words stage. 


Was  Dick and Dora in my day


Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Has anyone read 'The night circus'

My mates son bought it for his gf at Christmas and, on reading the jacket on Chrismas morning, I was doing "give me it to now!" Having read the reviews, seems it's like marmite

oooooooh I might do a kindle preview - my kindle is full of previews! I've only actually bought one book (as I couldn't wait) - I feel guilty Kindling when I have a lot of proper books in a stack left to read.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Has anyone read 'The night circus'

My mates son bought it for his gf at Christmas and, on reading the jacket on Chrismas morning, I was doing "give me it to now!" Having read the reviews, seems it's like marmite

oooooooh I might do a kindle preview - my kindle is full of previews! I've only actually bought one book (as I couldn't wait) - I feel guilty Kindling when I have a lot of proper books in a stack left to read.

How are you getting on with the kindle Soozy?

My...err what do I call him? "fella/bf/partner etc* got one from one of his sons for Christmas..he soooo didn't want it, was doing all that  i like the feel of a book in my hand.....freeking hell,  practically every time I look at him now he's got the bloody thing in his hand!


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