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Working up till 1.30pm then getting a train to Westgate to in-laws while the husband drives down woth the presents, the kids and the dog plus enough gear for three days.  I shall phone when I get off the train so theres a drink when I walk through the door. We may all go down the pub in the evening, though last time we planned that everyone else went down the pub whilst I stayed home with a puking child!

We'll prep all the veg as well and do as much as we can so we can do as little as possible Christmas Day.
Cleaning and watching xmas films and tryin to stop my 2 boys killing each other with excitement and frustration that it's still another day away

Then in the evening I let them open a pressie which just happens to be new pjs and slippers and bath stuff then it's bathtime and supper and leaving out Santa's food (I forgot to buy cookies and am not going out the door again so I'm not sure what the kids are gonna leave him!) then they're off to bed where it will take them about 3 hours to fall asleep!

I have had the pressies wrapped since last's a yearly tradition where I go to my mum in laws and we have a few drinks and wrap all the stuff I'll leave them out then stress that I haven't bought enough as usual and throughout all this there HAS to be beverages which will hopefully get me to sleep quicker coz I'm worse than the kids on xmas eve and can never sleep!
I shall be thinking of all you lot out partying or nibbling on nice things and imbibing of some hard stuff

I must be the only saddo person on the forum who spends every Xmas alone [apart from the cat]  and has done for the last 8 yrs...

Still it's a good job I don't mind my own company. . tho I do pee meself off now and then. . in fact am so used to not having company I get freaked out if anybody does call in and stays for too long.. am  not used to this socialising thing any more..  

Have fun y'all 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Crimbo Eve will be like this....

Crawl out of bed...gulp copious amounts of tea....last minute chores (dusting/mopping/bog cleaning)...mates round for cuppa and MrB with veggie prep for big day....lunch....eagerly await arrival of homemade mincepies from Grandad (he's making me 4doz)....nice glass of something and a hot mince pie with family....snooze on sofa....tea....evening spent worrying that there isn't enough food and drink...try and get kids to bed...bath....try and sleep..too Muppets Christmas Carol til early hours. Brilliant!!!
I shall be fighting my way through Xmas shoppers to buy meat since Waitrose lost our order. Then I shall be going to sign on. Then probably back home to bed to nurse my cold.

You should end up getting some really good grub bargains, but that still doesn't let Waitrose off the hook. How the ruddy hell did they manage to lose it ffs? Compensation my friend!
Up early; put on Christmas music; make mince pies, shortbread, sausage rolls, (Soozy's recipe) and the veggie option for Christmas lunch; throw the duster and vac about; quickly nip into town for a few bits I still need want; pack a bag; make up a couple of hamper presents that have to wait 'til the last min; load the car up and get off to my sister's for a family get together ......try hard to stick to my annual Christmas eve' resolve to not drink too many bubbles and spoil Christmas day with a hangover!
I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend whose role model is Margo from The Good Life. He got on the phone to them and now they're giving us a free sirloin joint. Shan't breathe till it's in the shopping bag, though.

I saw your update

Glad to hear your OH got it sorted, I would have been delighted to have screamed at them on your behalf though

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