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Originally posted by erinp:
If BB tell him the prize money will start to reduce until he noms then he will nom,in fact if BB intimate that the whole house will suffer he will nom.Siavash is just nursing a dent to his pride.It will pass....I hope.

Yes he is not selfish by nature. He took a seriously humiliation last week, and took it intially well while Noirin and Issac was in the house, poor thing is suffering from hurt pride.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by longcat:
Team individual should be renamed team nasty. I think they have well and truly stolen the crown from Lisa.

That could only be thought if you take Endemol's news stories at face value which nobody with a mind of their own would. They are just trying to increase the phone votes on the other group so they can make more money.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by erinp:
If BB tell him the prize money will start to reduce until he noms then he will nom,in fact if BB intimate that the whole house will suffer he will nom.Siavash is just nursing a dent to his pride.It will pass....I hope.

Yes he is not selfish by nature. He took a seriously humiliation last week, and took it intially well while Noirin and Issac was in the house, poor thing is suffering from hurt pride.

The 'poor thing' as you call him has handled this far worse than Marcus did. Issac didn't even get up to anything with Noirin in bed, unlike Siavash.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Free Thinking:
Originally posted by longcat:
Team individual should be renamed team nasty. I think they have well and truly stolen the crown from Lisa.

That could only be thought if you take Endemol's news stories at face value which nobody with a mind of their own would. They are just trying to increase the phone votes on the other group so they can make more money.
I don't read Endemol's stories or vote. That's my own opinion.
I agree with Marcus' observation that Lisa has slowly rebuilt her team. I remember her saying to Roddy the other day 'the team is all back together' Rod definatley seems to have migrated back to Lisa and Sophie and Charlie although they 'get on with everyone' will always have loyalty to their original team. Hira seems to vote their way without being a member of that team as she probably does'nt like the crudity of Siavash and Marcus sometimes.

The individuals were always a far looser alliance who came together for their mutual survival. As such thay have always been vulnerable. I wager that unless
Lisa or one of her team goes this week, her dominance of the house is assured!
I don`t actually think any of them form a strong, true and loyal team. I think it is pretence and is done for expediency.
Especially now, as we are approaching the time when they are going to have to turn inwards on themselves.
I know it has always been the `survival of the fittest` principle, but alliances will be truly tested now that it all becomes more intense.

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