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Well, yesterday my brother-in-law was arrested for armed robbery on a local newsagents Only found out today from my sister that the police showed up at his work and took him away (they knew where he worked but not where their home was, no idea why), then they let themselves into their flat later on and started searching for a handgun or clothes, I assume it was as it said in the paper thats the weapon that was being carried. Then later six of them showed up at my flat and they were waving a search warrant in my face. Then the whole family were at each others throats Now I have just found out that they had a plastic bag that was dropped by the armed robber in the newsagents, which belonged to my brother-in-law, they seemed to have thrown it out into a bin at the back and someone has decided to use it. The armed robber had ran away after the shop owner refused to give any money... he ran up a path which headed towards their home.

He's gonna be home tomorrow. All I can say is thank god its over I thought I had done something wrong when they showed up.
That's the problem with the old Bill once you are known to them. Anything happens in your area and they are straight onto you as the nearest available option.
Your sister must have been demented with worry, not to mention how scary it is when a load of police show up at your door with a warrant and start turfing everything everywhere.
One of my brothers is the crim in our family, the amount of raids etc that he caused is legendary. Bad enough when he was guilty of summat but really infuriating when he wasn't and they just thought they'd turn the house over on a whim
It's rubbish mate. I can understand the police have a job to do, and had this all been going after the right person in the first place then they would be applauded for their speedy response. But in this instance they've completely screwed up people's days and probably left you all with memories you'd rather not have.

A more tactful approach wouldn't have gone amiss, especially when all they had to go on was a carrier bag.
Its not looking good, he hasnt been released and is waiting to go to court... he will find then if he is allowed out until the hearing. At first I thought it was all a mistake, it looks far fetched and I never thought he would do anything like it. We can only guess by the sound of it he's done a series of them before and there is evidence... one of his friends was in court today, he told the police everything apparently. I think the worst is still yet to come.

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