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How has your year been? Has it been a good year, or will next year be better?

Do you really need to ask?  This has been one of the crappest (I am being mild due to forum restrictions when I say crappest) years of my life and I am soooooooooooo looking forward to the clock striking midnight at New Year and wishing with all I have that next year will be so much better.
I daredn't say "this year has been a bad un...  next year has to be better" anymore.

I used to say it every year...   and its like I tempted fate...   cos every year would be worse... in fact it would make me look back on the previous year with fond nostalgia!

So, now I treat the year end as a little snapshot of my life... a "my life stocktake"...   we're all still here this year...  still skint, but surviving... still married with no desires for that to change...  hubby still loving his job and for now it seems its secure,   no serious problems with the kids...   no problems at all with the dog!     That'll do for me... for now! 
Do you really need to ask?  This has been one of the crappest (I am being mild due to forum restrictions when I say crappest) years of my life and I am soooooooooooo looking forward to the clock striking midnight at New Year and wishing with all I have that next year will be so much better.
awwww Cinds!     I hope it will be!    Its been a while since I have had a year like that....   you've reminded me of how bad a bad once can be!
awwww Cinds!     I hope it will be!    Its been a while since I have had a year like that....   you've reminded me of how bad a bad once can be!
Honestly it's been my 'annus horribilis' in every way, there's only one thing that could happen to make it worse, and seeing as there is still 10 days left I am not going to jinx myself by mentioning what it could be *crosses fingers, toes and salutes all lurking magpies*

PS. *takes scissors to snip away at UGGS* HOW COULD YOU???????
Cinds, I dunno what's gone on, but sincerely wish you a better year next year
Thank you 

They grow on you
NEVER EVER EVER!  I would rather die from being pin tucked with a thousand needles and dragged behind a speeding car than put a pair of those UGGLY UGGLY (I can't even bring myself to call them shoes) THINGS on my feet, in the house or in public.
NEVER EVER EVER!  I would rather die from being pin tucked with a thousand needles and dragged behind a speeding car than put a pair of those UGGLY UGGLY (I can't even bring myself to call them shoes) THINGS on my feet, in the house or in public
   I used to say things like that....    luckily not on here....  or I would have to keep my new found Ugg love a secret on here (I slated them to one of my bessie mates a couple of years ago...  I haven't actually admitted to her that I have a pair yet)

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