In the Bullring they have a cool Disney shop, we couldn't resist going in to look
oh yeah.. now you're talking. Me & my brother are terrible for Disney.. or even better.. the Warner Bros shop. We went when Ickle was a toddler... me, him & Ickle in a pushchair. We checked her into the shopping centre creche.. and then
sprinted wandered off to do some shopping.. only we spent the whole hour and a half in the Warner Bros shop.... doing the Pinky & the Brain thing with the Pinky & the Brain toys... know the bit I mean...
"Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
"The same thing we do every night Pinky - try to take over the world"
I suppose you ahd to be there...
We got thrown out of a Disney shop for setting off all the bouncing tiggers at the same time