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Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
It says near her house, not at her house but any excuse to call her a slag eh.

Don't generally a Jordan fan but think that the way she is being discussed in the media lately is out of order and incredibly sexist.

Have to agree with you there..but thats the media.A guy would be celebrated for being a 'bloke' and getting on with his life but a girls a slut Shake Head
That said I have no time for the woman
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
It says near her house, not at her house but any excuse to call her a slag eh.

Don't generally a Jordan fan but think that the way she is being discussed in the media lately is out of order and incredibly sexist.

In what way is it sexist? l've only read that she treats Pete like dirt and has allegedly cheated on him Confused If she's done that, then she deserves the condemnation she is getting.
The words used to describe her, slapper, bitch etc. It justs makes me mad. You have got BBs Billy saying how dirty she was, if this is true then he is just as bad. People are so quick to judge her without even considering the blokes part in it. This thread was about a story about Dane Bowers getting done for drink driving, no condemnation of that fact just wondering about what "the slapper" was doing having him around.

It might be fair to say Pete is better of without her but its all the rest of it that gets on my nerves.
Im not a Peter Andre fan, but I have met him a few times, and he comes across as a really nice down to earth man, who adores his kids.

I think he would be a fool to take her back.

She treated him like shite when i had them together. I cant bear her at all.

Shes making him look like and idiot now in the media and i feel very sorry for him at the moment.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
It says near her house, not at her house but any excuse to call her a slag eh.

Don't generally a Jordan fan but think that the way she is being discussed in the media lately is out of order and incredibly sexist.

In what way is it sexist? l've only read that she treats Pete like dirt and has allegedly cheated on him Confused If she's done that, then she deserves the condemnation she is getting.

Well,to be fair we dont know both sides of the story.She comes across as a thoroughly unlikeable,unscrupulous woman who would stop at nothing to achieve world domination.But I do think women get a much harder press than men.Remember Beckham and Rebecca Loos??She was slated as a homewrecker,but little attention was given to the fact it was HE was the married man.Even then.though his behaviour wasn't condoned by the press in itself,he wasnt labelled a slag or a slut.But Loos,the single woman,was vilified.Even Posh and Cheryl Cole got stick for standing by their men despite their infidelity!!
My mate bought in two mags two my lil sister yesterday on the front of one it said "Jorden and Pete back together" On the other it said "Pete:The reason I dumped her for good".
I like Pete more (out of the two of them) he seems to really care for his kids. When you pictures of them, Pete is always playing and laughing with the kids where as Katie uses them as a picture oppertunity.
Dane Bowers has a crash and just because it happens close to Jordan's house and he use to date her it's made the news Confused in other words Mr Bowers isn't newsworthy enough on his own but the fact that he once used to shag Jordan and she's topical at the moment means the press can attempt to link her to this story! Roll Eyes slow day at the BBC then!
I'm finding this whole story a bit weird, I've never really ever followed these two, but from the little bits I've seen on the telly and read on the net, it seems that this divorce thing is all her fault, she seems to come across as really controlling. I did watch the interview on POG, and even then she was "it's all about me". I find it strange that a woman who has lived her life through the tabloids and trashy gossip mags is now asking for privacy through troubled times, If Andre does keep to his word and does not take her back then I believe she will regret treating him so badly for a long long time, I think anayone either man or woman can only take so much till they snap, she just didn't know when to stop.
I have a solution for these two. Was reading in a magazine whilst in the supermarket queue that Gavin and Charlotte might be breaking up,he wants to be a model and have fun whilst she wants him to spend time with his children, why don't they swap, Jordan can have Gavin and they can party and model to their hearts content and Charlotte can have Pete and settle down being a nice family, there sorted! Thumbs Up

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