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I could only ever say one sentence in German...  I can only say it cos we had to do one of them poxy mini plays "with the person sitting next to you"...  The only prop we had was her "pea pod" pencil case.... and the mini play was a zoo scene... 

my only sentence in German is...

un grun banana gefaellt mir sehr gut

I have yet to use it in the real world!
I have yet to use it in the real world!

We start languages too late in this country, the rest of Europe are so much better because they start their kids earlier.  We did French when we started Comp then the kids in top class could choose between French or German at the end of 3rd year...the other kids stuck with French.  So then you had to pass a GCSE course in 2 years when the others had 5 years
The worst of it is my Dad can speak quite passable conversational German because he was stationed there, my older Sis was even born there. I thought he'd help me with it. He didn't!
Leccy, my abiding miserey is that I didn't persist with my bairns when they were young. Now my son is so removed from his German ancestry that he's fighting a silly war in Afghanistan, my daughter tries to keep up the German in her, but is swimming against the tide.
cologne 1
That's so true leccy. I thought I started early because I was 10, but my brother actually started in Primary.
When I did my TA course there was a girl on there who is Polish, she actually qualified as a Child Psychologist in Poland but her qualifications didn't transfer to this country. She decided to train as a TA to work while she studied to bring her Psychology degree into line with UK regs.  She rold me that they don't even start school until the age of 7 in Poland but they start learning English straight away.  She was a ridiculously intelligent lass, she explained about younger minds grasping a foreign language much easier...

I can't explain it as well as she did but I'm sure there is a lot of evidence to support her claims.
And have you SEEN Polish?   My brother in law married a Polish girl last year.   He had fully intended to learn the language, when we saw him before the wedding I asked how he was getting on and he said "I can't do it...  I just can't".

So... I asked his missus what the Polish for no was, and other basics...    she told me (I think it was No) about 5 times... I kept trying to say it but couldn't!

Impossible language to learn..
Leccy, my abiding miserey is that I didn't persist with my bairns when they were young. Now my son is so removed from his German ancestry that he's fighting a silly war in Afghanistan, my daughter tries to keep up the German in her, but is swimming against the tide.
Awww   I'm sure I've told you before but my cousin who lives in NZ is married to a girl from Berlin, their kids are being brought up as German/Kiwi/English/Mackemy types.  They have Sunderland footy tops, New Zealand accents, are bi-lingual German/English, love a German Xmas and an English roast dinner

I think though, she's had to fight hard to blend it all.  She is amazing! She met my cousin in Italy, he spoke no Italian or German, she spoke no Italian and a little English.  She's now fluent in English and qualified as a midwife after just a few years!   Truly inspirational...I don't know how on earth she managed tbh!
I used to work for a Polish dentist and am ace at pronouncing the names. But that's as far as it goes. At school I loved English, athletics and music and didn't bother with anything else. Left too early to take exams but am doing a course later this year and learning Spanish at the moment. I can now ask a taxi to take me to a hotel in Spanish! Ha!
I can now ask a taxi to take me to a hotel in Spanish! Ha!

my Spanish consists of exactly that...  only from having to.... and only the actual name of the hotel...   Last place we stayed at (my & my friends) in the Canaries was called Los Alberoquecos (sp) meaning the Apricots.

We sat, pished out of our heads in the back of a taxi... trying to remember what the spanish was for apricots for over half an hour.... played charades (you try charading Apricot)...  

oh... & I know roundabout - rotunda!

and bonita bambina - pretty baby girl!  (cos my daughter was a baby back then... and thats what the Spanish women would say to us... before launching into a major bollocking for not having her ears pierced!)

and Tequila!

I can say 'one hour' in Spanish which is 'un hora' - this is because BA lost my bloody luggage when I went over there once and the Spanish lost baggage people kept telling me to call back in un hora (I worked it out for myself in the end cos I was calling every 10 minutes and they kept shouting NO LADY)

My son's learning it at school and is getting quite good, plus he's now saying stuff to me in Spanish and I haven't a clue what he's talking about and that can actually be quite a dangerous thing as he's hitting his teens next year

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