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The trouble with Nathan is he thinks shouting obscenities at someone is how to win an argument.  Sorry but that type of behaviour does not earn my admiration.  Even if it was against Shabby.
Non stop F's are not admirable but I think it's a little bit shallow to let that get in the way of him doing the right thing and standing his ground against what ironically may have been the only real bully in the house.
BTW, Nathan lied in that exchange initially.

Josie asked Nathan if he'd told people that they'd "smashed Steve's stuff up".

Nathan said NO.

Shabby interjected and said Yes he had.

Nathan then went into drunken nightclub brawling thug mode, shouting expletives in an aggressive and intimidating manner.

Then turning back to Josie he changed his story conceding that, Yes he had told people they'd smashed Steve's stuff up.

He then went on to explain that smashing stuff up can be demonstrated by tipping a chair on it's side.

To me, smashing something means destroying the item entirely or at least to a point that it is beyond repair.  Thank you Nathan for educating me on the true meaning of the word.
BTW, Nathan lied in that exchange initially. Josie asked Nathan if he'd told people that they'd "smashed Steve's stuff up". Nathan said NO. Shabby interjected and said Yes he had. Nathan then went into drunken nightclub brawling thug mode, shouting expletives in an aggressive and intimidating manner. Then turning back to Josie he changed his story conceding that, Yes he had told people they'd smashed Steve's stuff up. He then went on to explain that smashing stuff up can be demonstrated by tipping a chair on it's side. To me, smashing something means destroying the item entirely or at least to a point that it is beyond repair. Thank you Nathan for educating me on the true meaning of the word.
I think I'll just follow you around and agree about him....
He clearly was upset and bawled Ben out for it, did he know at the time it was Ben who touched his stuff, or was Ben the usual whipping boy for the night?

Hard to say because it was so poorly edited in the highlight show.  Infact that argument between Shabby and Nathan was based on something that wasn't actually shown in yesterday's highlights.
so a bloke lying and swearing fit to bust and strutting about like dennis waterman looking for a ruck, is praised when a shabs catches him in that lie, and she's the evil one. you guys need to get a grip.
No, Shabby was a prat for saying he intimidated her and Kevin was a bigger prat for banging on about it ever since
morning suzy,x. 
she's immature and juvenile in many respects , it's true, i just don't see her as nasty or aggressive, her 'anger' is  stamping her feet and shouting, much like a 14 year old, it's usually directed at inanimate objects,like the wall or cushions and the lil table

regarding nathan, just doesn't sit right with me when he stamps about the garden,getting in people's faces and towering over them, yelling abuse,that is intimidating.
I found Scabby more intimidating tbvh....Her constant reminders about her *temper*(a veiled threat don't make me lose it?) ,throwing things,stomping around like Big Foot,hands on her head pacing up and down with the maniacal look on her face, standing on top of furniture to shout(what was that all about) not forgetting her swearing....Overall her outbursts were on a more regular basis and yes to me more intimidating.
JB perhaps not very believable to us sat at home safely,but for those caught up in it in there possibly very believable.
Agreed Shabby was overbearing with everyone, she tried to rule the roost in there with Keever, and she believed that it was ok to shout, swear and insult people as long as they didn't do it back to her, as soon as Nathan did exactly to her, what she has been doing to others,(Her treatment of Ben is a fine example, she got others to dislike him too) she couldn't handle it, and like a typical bully she backed down and ran crying to BB blaming everyone else but herself. IMO if you behave like that, expect to get it back at some point.
Senora Reyes

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