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  I'm really disappointed to think he might go ... I do think there's more to been seen from him. 

.... and for those looking forward to see him going - I'm sure Ife will be making her move on the kitchen   Although I think Josie might give her a run for her money  Seriously ... I've always thought Ife had some Carole tendencies .... and the thought really does make me cringe
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
oooh little Shabby can give but she can't take, can she?    then off she goes back to default passive aggressive stance with the - well i'll leave and it'll be all your fault and then you will all be sorry WAAAAAAAAA!!!

No sorry shabby, i don't think they will be .....sod off!

well done nathan for saying what i would love to say to her myself
I hate the C word...But I still like the fact that he told both girls where to get off. Shabby is so overbearing, that she can't bare the fact someone gave her as good as she gives out. Keever just looks down on Nathan and can't believe he doesn't think she the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and he had the gall to cuss her.
Senora Reyes
I loved seeing Nathan ripping into Shabby. He stood his ground and took none of her shit. That's EXACTLY the way to treat her. She only talks down to people who sit there and take it, or Ben who will apologise even when he's in the right (the twat). However you may feel about Nathan effing and blinding he did the whole house a service there telling Shabby and Kevin where to get off.

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