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if i was standing next to someone throwing things shouting and swearing  id run lol
The thing is I'm shouty, sweary and inclined to throw things when I lose it. But in 5mins it's ALL over.
On the other hand when faced  with someone who's totally lost it the best reaction is to remain studiously calm. It really pisses them off.
I 'm struggling to recall a previous HL show that was so revealing about so many HMs. In just a few sequences, we saw:
Josie and Shabby both lie;
Ife as an ungrateful whinger;
Caoimhe and Nathan being downright nasty; and
all the other boys as impotent cowards who won't defend a friend.

Not pleasant to watch, but classic BB none the less...
Eugene's Lair
I can remember when Douche Lord was giving Rachel hell, much worse than Nathan, again none of the men stood up for Rachel, only Corin, and The Apple Dumpling gang, had the guts to tell Douche Lord he was out of order. What I found also, was some folk on here had little sympathy for Rachel, but seem to find the sympathy for Sunshine.
Senora Reyes
 What I found also, was some folk on here had little sympathy for Rachel, but seem to find the sympathy for Sunshine.

I think thats down to time. A lot of people on here didn't like Sunshine, but over time they have seen the 'ray' of light () and are sticking up for her. I think if Rachael lasted longer in the house the same would have happened.
Reference: longcat
I have never understood why in BB people stand back and accept behaviour that they would never accept on the outside. It may not make me many friends in the house but I am pretty sure the voters would back me if I defended somebody who was being attacked verbally and unnecessarily.

I'm the same. I really don't think I could ever stand to one side and watch another person being bullied, even someone I didn't much like. What is wrong with these people?
I was reserving judgment on Nathan because I hadn't seen enough of him, but now I've seen more than enough. Aggressive yob!
I know A sharing bag perhaps you could say
Nah - I wouldn't have, if I was her. It was part of her meal, because her pizza was only small and was just a base with tomato sauce on, whereas theirs were huge and piled high with cheese and other stuff. She still shared her flippin pizza with them (again, I wouldn't have), but that still wasn't good enough, oh no..
for standing up for a friend and telling nathan where to get off with his whining and bitching, and his and demanding she shares what little she does eat, cos people have a rumbly and in their poor ickle tumblies. oh, wait, you didn't , you just sat there looking awkward and scared
It was such a little thing, turned into a drama by Nathan having a strop about Sunshine sharing ,when she was trying her best, even in her own way, lol

He wanted her to feel uncomfortable, when it so could have easily been seen in a better lighter way.
The others should have lighted the mood, with a bit of humour instead of adding to the heavy mooded drama.
Ev (Peachy)
Nah - I wouldn't have, if I was her. It was part of her meal, because her pizza was only small and was just a base with tomato sauce on, whereas theirs were huge and piled high with cheese and other stuff. She still shared her flippin pizza with them (again, I wouldn't have), but that still wasn't good enough, oh no..
It was obvious what was going to happen. She should have shared. I think she used it to her advantage. I think she likes to play the victim. and the others played there roles to perfection.
It was obvious what was going to happen. She should have shared. I think she used it to her advantage. I think she likes to play the victim. and the others played there roles to perfection.
No, she shouldn't have. They didn't share theirs. I'm not a fan of hers, but in this case she was the victim. I don't see why she should have caved in, just to prevent the others from being bullies. They are responsible for their own behaviour, not her.
No, she shouldn't have. They didn't share theirs. I'm not a fan of hers, but in this case she was the victim. I don't see why she should have caved in, just to prevent the others from being bullies. They are responsible for their own behaviour, not her.
I think she did it on purpose. She should just have shared them it was obviously going to happen. I think she also milked it. But perhaps we have to agree to disagree on this one.

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