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came back today after a weekend in london...we got a megabus back to bournemouth and there was a very odd bloke sat opposite me who kept slapping his own face.....lifting his very long fringe up and staring at us...

then he rummaged in his shopping bag he had next to out some dettol.....and sprayed it over his face and neck.....

woss that all about????..... Confused

what odd things have you seen whilst on a journey??????

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Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
came back today after a weekend in london...we got a megabus back to bournemouth and there was a very odd bloke sat opposite me who kept slapping his own face.....lifting his very long fringe up and staring at us...

then he rummaged in his shopping bag he had next to out some dettol.....and sprayed it over his face and neck.....

woss that all about????..... Confused

what odd things have you seen whilst on a journey??????

I think I saw you once! Ninja
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
came back today after a weekend in london...we got a megabus back to bournemouth and there was a very odd bloke sat opposite me who kept slapping his own face.....lifting his very long fringe up and staring at us...

then he rummaged in his shopping bag he had next to out some dettol.....and sprayed it over his face and neck.....

woss that all about????..... Confused

what odd things have you seen whilst on a journey??????

I think I saw you once! Ninja

Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
Originally posted by mozart:
tics and ocd i suspect

i used to know a guy that used to slap his face but he had tourettes, poor feller had no control over the tics

i'll be honest......i did wonder if the face slapping was a tic thing......but i didn't understand the dettol......i mean wouldn't that sting or something???....

yeah it would, but if he has been doing that for a long time then i should imagine that his skin has toughened up to it.
Originally posted by Bojangles:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
When we got a train to Cornwall one year my son who was 5 at the time was so fascinated by the loo on the train he went 24 YES 24!! times in a 5 hour journey!

Probably fascinated at the floaters you usually see in the British Rail toilets.

The smell was none too jolly either
Many years ago I used to get the coach back home from Uni in the holidays. It took 6 hours.

One time it broke down at Digbeth and we had to wait ages for a replacement. National Express hired a private coach which had a TV at the front (luxury in those days).

The driver said he would give us a treat as we had waited so long. He then proceeded to play a box set of Open All Hours videos one after the after.

It was weird and damaged my mind. Awful memory. Frowner
Originally posted by skive:
Oh and on a Greyhound bus from Richmond to Philadelphia there was a woman in the seats opposite mine (other side of the aisle) masturbating.

I kid you not. I was already terrified about travelling on my own in such a scary country and this just made me Eeker.

masturbating........ Eeker ......cheesebus i was bored coming back from london but didn't resort to that!!!!!
Was on a bus once when the driver stopped outside a newsagents, took his little money box thing with him, got out and went to get a box of fags and a newspaper. everyone was looking at each other but no one said anything ( this being polite old england and all) when he got back on still no one said anything. he then proceeded to go the wrong route, everyone is looking at each other all confused ( still no one speaks) then the bus driver goes ' f--k!!! sorry ladies and gents i'll get back on route in a sec' and cuts down a side road clearly not intended for a double decker bus and knocks not one, but 2 wing mirrors off the parked cars. I got off at my stop a couple of minutes later and still no one had spoken a word about it!!! I nearly ran the rest off the way home just so I could talk about it!!! ( this was before mobile phones) very bizarre all in all!!
I was on a flight to Chicago & happened to be sitting in between a boy & his girlfriend . I offered straight away to swap with them ( numerous times )but they said no Confused They then for most of the flight proceeded to tell each other how much they loved each other & pretty much gushing over each other the full flight .

I stuck my headphones on & sunk down into my seat as far as i could go for the full 8 hours ! Crazy
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Where is Digbeth??

The coach station in Birmingham, don't know if it's still there but it was a well scary place in the late 80s.

Nod Nod Eeker

Got on a coach to Manchester once there, only me and this one bloke on the whole of course he decided to sit by me and point out all the interesting places we passed by

These consisted mainly of all the houses, shops and pubs where a person could buy a gun quite easily Eeker Eeker
Originally posted by skive:
Many years ago I used to get the coach back home from Uni in the holidays. It took 6 hours.

One time it broke down at Digbeth and we had to wait ages for a replacement. National Express hired a private coach which had a TV at the front (luxury in those days).

The driver said he would give us a treat as we had waited so long. He then proceeded to play a box set of Open All Hours videos one after the after.

It was weird and damaged my mind. Awful memory. Frowner

Aww I LOVE Open All Hours Big Grin
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
Where is Digbeth??

The coach station in Birmingham, don't know if it's still there but it was a well scary place in the late 80s.

Nod Nod Eeker

Got on a coach to Manchester once there, only me and this one bloke on the whole of course he decided to sit by me and point out all the interesting places we passed by

These consisted mainly of all the houses, shops and pubs where a person could buy a gun quite easily Eeker Eeker

Originally posted by spongebob squarepants:
came back today after a weekend in london...we got a megabus back to bournemouth and there was a very odd bloke sat opposite me who kept slapping his own face.....lifting his very long fringe up and staring at us...

then he rummaged in his shopping bag he had next to out some dettol.....and sprayed it over his face and neck.....

woss that all about????..... Confused

what odd things have you seen whilst on a journey??????
Probably imagining bugs on him wasnt this guy was it?
A lot of PK Dicks friends died of drug abuse and he drew on that for a lot of his books.
The weirdest bus trip ever used to be the hippy special to Carmarthen on a Saturday morning in the late 70s

The lower deck was full of farmers and pensioners going to market, and the upstairs was full of weirdly dressed people tripping off their heads in a haze of greenish smoke Crazy

On the way back this all reversed, as most of the hippies couldn't make it up the stairs and were all sprawled out asleep downstairs.

The driver and conductor were great and used to wake them up at their individual stops

Sometimes, the driver would even do a detour off route to the next chippy for them and wait a while for them to satisfy their munchies

You don't get bus services like that these days Shake Head Frowner
I worked as stewardess for BR for 7 yrs - where do I start? Perhaps the most memorable was the week before I was going to fly out to Turkey for my wedding a chap in the buffet queue collapsed just before Slough - we made an emergency stop and an ambulance was waiting at the station - unfortunately he was DOA - turned out he was stabbed by one of those poison umbrellas and suffered a heart attack - my colleague who went around to help (I had to stay where I was and help other people move from the area etc)ended up going back and forth court for months as a witness - the poor bloke was a Greek ambassador's son or something - the case was hushed up. Confused

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