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Originally posted by Marguerita:
I have a re-ocurring dream there are lots of rats in my house and they are all running towards me, one gets on me and is trying to bite my neck I am holding it trying to get it away from me, I then wake up it is terrifying and seems very real..
Wish I would not have done the post above, it made me think about rats and I had the same dream last night the first time in ages Frowner
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I have a re-ocurring dream there are lots of rats in my house and they are all running towards me, one gets on me and is trying to bite my neck I am holding it trying to get it away from me, I then wake up it is terrifying and seems very real..
Wish I would not have done the post above, it made me think about rats and I had the same dream last night the first time in ages Frowner

Margs Hug
Maybe you need to get over your daytime fear of rats? That might put a stop to it.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I have a re-ocurring dream there are lots of rats in my house and they are all running towards me, one gets on me and is trying to bite my neck I am holding it trying to get it away from me, I then wake up it is terrifying and seems very real..
Wish I would not have done the post above, it made me think about rats and I had the same dream last night the first time in ages Frowner

Margs Hug
Maybe you need to get over your daytime fear of rats? That might put a stop to it.
Hi Demantoid wavey I dont think I ever could I am so terrified of them thank you Hug
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Hi Demantoid wavey I dont think I ever could I am so terrified of them thank you Hug

It might help, though. Pet ones are lovely - if you saw/handled some of those, you might not get night terrors about them again.
I am sure it would help perhaps one day I might pluck up the courage thank you Hug
My dreams are always weird and horrid. Like Terminator.

I have a recurring dream about a big space ship shooting out fire all over my town and destroying time I was sat on top the school roof watching them set fire (I's daft) to the North Sea...the whole sea was ablaze Eeker

Last week I had a dream I was stabbed in the neck and I died...which was nice.
last night i had a weird was all split up into different sections......

firstly...there were planes shaped like banana's that were taking off and then not getting far off the ground...crashing into car parks and then sliding down the outside of the car park...

then it was a young lad singing with his family on x factor.they got through..but the next week he appeared on his own as his family had died...he couldn't sing and simon cowell went onto the stage to comfort him...

then it was angus deayton in a big water filled pit with wooden arches around him.he was doing a live broadcast and the current kept dragging him to the arches and he kept banging his head...eventually he hit his head so hard he slipped under the water and drowned...

then i dreamt about his funeral.except it wasn't was tony blair's....and he was being carried in a concrete coffin with 'tony bloggs' engraved on the side.......cos in my dream tony blair's real name was tony bloggs...

I used to be a prolific dreamer, 2/3 a night and in the morning could remember them all. I'd often relate them to hubby in great detail next day and he would be amazed I could remember them so well.

I don't remember them so much these days but some of them are recurring dreams and there comes a point in a dream where I know I've dreamt this before several times. Online there are dream dictionaries and some interpretations are interesting to think about
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by lightfoot:
Mine is looking out of my bedroom window, and watching a 'plane landing on a dual carriageway, crashing into a car, the only car on the road.

i had a similar dream the other night!

i dreamt a huge aircraft was outside my bedroom turned out i'd left the landing light on..*phew*

the old ones are the best ones eh? Laugh

Originally posted by RENTON:
I dreamt that i was being chased by a giant penis and i kept falling over face first - then struggling to get up as the penis ran towards me - closer and closer.

... ok i'm fibbing, lol


HAHAHA That really made me nearly spit my tea out laughing
Big Grin Clapping Big Grin

really enjoyed many posts in this great thread
Loved Demantoid's one about her relly ~and all those SHEEP Big Grin

A while ago~FM ~ Sheep in a Jeep Wave Big Grin ~posted another ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS Post about SHEEP
That made me laugh for weeks after I read it
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by CYBERDAZZLE:
really enjoyed many posts in this great thread
Loved Demantoid's one about her relly ~and all those SHEEP Big Grin

A while ago~FM ~ Sheep in a Jeep Wave Big Grin ~posted another ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS Post about SHEEP
That made me laugh for weeks after I read it

It used to totally freak her out, though Crazy
In keeping with aimee's dream about her non-existent baby Dylan, I had a weird one that thankfully didn't recur.

I dreamed I gave birth to a weird-looking baby named Precious (this was years before all the LOTR hype). It had a sharp, pointy nose, scrawny hands and the most awful, penetrating wail. God knows who (or what) the dad was.

In my dream, I'd keep forgetting I had this monster, and would go out shopping, down the pub, etc. Then I'd remember, just as I got home, because I'd hear this terrible screeching coming from indoors.

I'd open the door and my mum would be there, rocking this kid in her arms and giving me hell for forgetting about it, AGAIN. Eeker

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