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In my last year of living in England the council started collecting rubbish one week and recycling stuff the next. I remember having some difficulties (there were three of us) cos the plastic bottles piled up and we didn't recycle plastic then In retrospect we should've crushed the bottles flat... *thoughtful face*

I'm surprised Cameron isn't pushing his Big Society BS and saying that locals should collect their own rubbish

I'm in Glasgow we always get a weekly bin collection.We also have a monthly re-cycle bin collection for ,tins,plastic and paper.A monthly collection for glass and a fortnightly collection for garden waste.This means we have three large wheely bins  and a half size wheely bin for the glass.We do have a garden though and have space for them.
Bags are useless where I am,we all have gardens and urban foxes.I don't mind the foxes,but if stuff is not placed in the wheelie bins they will rip the bags to bits.I'm in a four in a block cottage flats,my upstairs neighbour is a pensioner on her own,so If I need to use her bins ,she's happy to let me.  Ahem I missed the glass collection last month so had two months worth of glass jars ,bottles etc.She had about three jars in hers,mine was up to the brim with er,,,glass jars etc..It got emptied yesterday.I blame my niece and her bottles wine bottles etc..
Our council are fecking useless    we are supposed to have bin collections once a week but our bin men 'accidentally' forget to come so have to come back on another day (on overtime of course) to remove the black bags.  By which time rats, cats and foxes have trashed them and most of the contents are either on the pavement or in the road. 

We have paper recycling one week and green waste the following week.  Considering Brum City Council is the largest, it's the worst at recycling
We have fortnightly (general) and brown (compostable) one week and then blue (recyclable paper/cardboard/plastic but NOT glass) the next. It was blue bin this week...only they refused to take ours cos some fecking git had stealthed us after the bins were put out and put the wrong rubbish in the bin  so now WE have to dispose of the whole lot...what a treat. We rang the coucil and told them we had taken out the non-recyclable stuff but were informed that the whole lot was contaminated as was our problem. Fuming doesn't even cover it.
We have a grey wheelie bin for 'normal' rubbish, a green one for garden and food waste, plastic sacks for paper, plastic and tin, and a blue bin for glass.

The food waste is collected every week, with normal rubbish one week and recycling stuff the next week.

My normal rubbish wheelie bin is rarely full and there are five of us living here, sometimes six.
To kill any doubt all mine go in the 'ordinary' bin now
My mum does that ... her green recycling box is as clean as the day it was delivered, she shoves everything, food - the lot, in the ordinary bin.

Our bins were overflowing over Christmas, so I asked her if I could put some recycling in her bin ... she said no, as she didn't want to get it dirty  
We still get weekly bin collections.We have the black bin which is picked up weekly which is just normal rubbish. Then we have a green bin done fortnightly which is garden rubbish. The bottle bag and tins and newspapers are picked up fortnightly. Then in the new year we are getting slop bins for our food scraps. I hate Wednesdays it feels like I work for the council when I put them all out.
we have a black bin for household rubbish collected every week. .then a brown one for garden stuff, a green one for recycling and a black one for glass and those take it in turns every other week to be collected..

I have no more room for any more bins.. it's like a dalek invasion around here . .I live in a two story maisonette so in the space of what would be two houses there are 4 flats and all have the same amount of bins each..  it's madness
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I manage fine with my bins but I am on my own if there is a family of four or more I would imagine it would be quite hard, a few of my neighbours have put a black bag out in the past with the bin  and the bin men have told them they are not allowed to take them,even though I manage fine I dont like the thought of food staying in my bin for two weeks everything goes in a black bag first,I threw out fruit once in a carry bag when I opened the bin there was fruit flies swarming in my bin I now spray fly spray in my bin just to be safe

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