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Still brass monkeys in East Anglia... 


However people..   I can guarantee that summer will arrive one day next week...   I know this cos after trying to eek out our heating oil (which normally would have comfortably seen us right through til summer, but was running critically low this week) we have resigned ourselve & ordered 500 ltrs.


We are on a restricted 2-3 hours heating a day til it arrives "one day next week" - consequently I can absolutely guarantee a heatwave will hit the UK on the day we have abundant supplies of fuel! 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Still brass monkeys in East Anglia... 


However people..   I can guarantee that summer will arrive one day next week...   I know this cos after trying to eek out our heating oil (which normally would have comfortably seen us right through til summer, but was running critically low this week) we have resigned ourselve & ordered 500 ltrs.


We are on a restricted 2-3 hours heating a day til it arrives "one day next week" - consequently I can absolutely guarantee a heatwave will hit the UK on the day we have abundant supplies of fuel! 

it`s always the case isn't it 


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