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And hello Karma

Hellooo! I ended up taking the dog round the block again but am now back and snuggly again. After X factor bath with bubbles, new knickers and soft PJ's and more snuggling. Lush
I moved from the settee to the fridge and poured out a glass of wine.
I am now watching the complete freaks on CDWM and then there is the X factor.
I am also looking forward to a rather marvellous home cooked meal. Do you know what? I have never been looked after like this - ever.
Yep it's lovely being looked after , even the smallest things like someone making a cup of tea or helping with housework can make such a difference. It's not about the huge material things, it's about the care, consideration, mutual trust and loyalty that makes it all worthwhile. Just knowing you're working as part of a team towards a goal. (Although surprise white roses now and again, meals out where I don't have to pay a penny and diamonds on my birthday make me smile too )
Yep it's lovely being looked after , even the smallest things like someone making a cup of tea or helping with housework can make such a difference. It's not about the huge material things, it's about the care, consideration, mutual trust and loyalty that makes it all worthwhile. Just knowing you're working as part of a team towards a goal. (Although surprise white roses now and again, meals out where I don't have to pay a penny and diamonds on my birthday make me smile too )
That says it all really Karma..
I hope you are happy xxx
I don't know if you've noticed but it's a bit wet today.

I've just had a look at the Met Office rain forecast at 1pm and I thought I'd post an untouched photo of it as it is quite spectacular.The colours in increasing order of heaviness are blue, green, yellow, light pink, then red. At least there is no white (ignoring the sea) which is the heaviest.

El Loro

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