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Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by tupps:
This is why I never shop in anything less than Sainsburys...

Lure him to the frozen meats section.. leg of lamb to the back of the knees.. job done.. Ninja

*Licks pencil and makes notes*

No charge.. a large bag of frozen chips will do just as well but may be prone to splittage.. Valentine
Originally posted by queenshaks:

Went shopping to Asda on Monday as we were going on a school trip on Tuesday with needed to buy a few bits.

This 3yr (he looked about that!) boy (cute as a bloody button but with horns sticking out of his head!) started hitting my boy with a Gladiator style mallet thingymebob. My son just ducked and I just watched this cherub bashing my boy....whilst his even cuter sister (about 4-5 yrs old) was giving him the 'what do think you're doing' stare.

Carried on you do....the monster found us again....and bashed my boy...again. I was like feck...I am gonna smack him one (but his muvver looked scary!Eeker) I gave him a look this time. He obviously ignored me and carried on. Anyhoo...we managed to get away.

Right...(are you still with me?) aisle...yes the little shit found us and proceeded to go straight for my this time my son was rooted the spot...wide eyed!! He just reached my son when his mum got hold of him (I had already told him to leave my son alone in my ever so firm but non banshee voice!!)....I heard shouts and screams behind me. My son started laughing and he said he mum was smacking him. End of story ya think.....

In the meat aisle now....little fecker has found us....again!! He marched towards my boy whilst staring me in the eye (little bloody shit!). I walked up to him and said if you touch my boy I will tell your a firmer voice this time.

He walked away from us with a scowl....2 seconds later....he runs past us brandishing the mallet calling us 'CHICKENS' at the top of his voice....whilst everyone stared at us!! My son burst out laughing....but I was-----------> Disappointed Disappointed Disappointed


ya should have sent round the local library to annoy people pretending to read books whilst listening to an MP3 player and posting on a forum - but thats the subject of another post
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Originally posted by tupps:

No charge.. a large bag of frozen chips will do just as well but may be prone to splittage .. Valentine

What? The legs or da bag? Glance

if you're lucky... the former.. Ninja

you can also lure the child to the frozen section and torepedo it with mini-milks.. this may lead to temporary blindness.. Ninja
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
So glad we go to Sainsburys... the shoppers are far more refined! Ninja Big Grin

Having said that, the staff seem to be under so much pressure these days, the way the shelf stackers rush around with steel cages, i would not be surprised if customers sometimes get hit by them.

caging the customers Glance
a novel way keeping customers loyalty? Glance
I know this pain . . .

Was walking through Sainsbury's (yes, i'm posh) And saw a lil boy in a trolley crying whilst his mum was explaining/reasoning in some way.

As i walked past he slapped my arm!!!

WELL ... as a former teacher (part trained , ok) i stopped in my tracks !!!

"Go ahead - hit me again, go on" offering up my arm, "Go on ... and i'll hit you back."

His mum smiled with approval as the lil shite just stared.

It wasn't pretty . . . lol
Originally posted by RENTON:
Queenie - this is terrible and the very reason i stopped my teacher training - seriously

i was constantly swimming against a tide of bad parenting


I left disillusioned, thinking "Wots the point"

Shame really

Hey am a TA in a primary school so I know.Wink

Good thing about school is you can punish them.Big Grin

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