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Let's be honest, these past few years of BB have been an utter shambles. They might as well rename it because it's not Big Brother as we know it. It got worse when Channel 5 took over but it seems to be getting worse and worse each year. With the end of this series not too far away, what needs to be done to salvage this once great reality tv show and make future years be better?

I have a few ideas, feel free to contribute your own.

Here goes;

• firstly... Live feed. It has to come back, we really do not have a clue what goes on for the 23 other hours of the day. If we bring this back all the scripted suspicions, "directed" tasks and public manipulation editing theories will become a thing of the past.

• No contact with the outside world. FFS this should be standard, yet they are getting letters from home, phonecalls, last year they even had relatives/friends visiting them as part of a task FFS, the year before (I think) there was a ****ing film premiere held at the house with a red carpet running right through!! It's an utter shambles and laughable when you think about it. Once they go in there, they should have no idea what is going on beyond the walls of that compound. That's what happened in the old days of BB and it was better for it, the lack of awareness made it more real I think. I remember the days when if a tennis ball with a message written on was thrown in the garden, it was like a grenade had been thrown in. Nowadays they'd be like "tell us something we don't know".

• Emma's talking to the house should be done in a closed studio. This isn't vital but it bugs me that they find out how popular they are when they hear the crowds chant. It influences people's behaviour in the house, it quite possibly influences nominations as well. They shouldn't know the popularity of a housemate until the doors open and the housemate walks out.

• Diary room confidentiality. Again this should be standard. What is said between housemates and BB in the diary room should not under any circumstances be seen by fellow housemates unless it's a live thing as part of a task that they know about. No way should BB be showing footage of diary room convo's from weeks ago to stir shite in the house. It's just purely manipulating the situation which makes it anything but reality tv imo. It will get to the stage where in future series' housemates will be wary about opening up to BB in the diary room for fear that BB might play it to the whole house 2 weeks down the line.

• This is touching on the no outside world contact part again but I thought I'd put it in a separate point: NO tasks that involve viewers opinions from twitter, viewer polls, questions etc. Keep them wondering what the public think of them. The only input the viewers should have is deciding who stays and who goes.

That's just for starters, I know my ideas are very old school BB but that's when it was good I think.

I'll probably add more later on but in the mean time feel free to add your input.

If we can get loads of good ideas I may send the contents of this thread to the powers that be in the hope that they might take some of it on board.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I agree with all of your suggestions, Crunchy.

I would add automatic nomination for any noms talk, and exclude anyone who has an agent from applying for BB. Wannabees not allowed!

Yep - I agree with all of this and Crunchy's too

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

End it. It's done.

Oh no its not!

Real unknowns

Tasks that involve the HMs and nobody else

More Live Feed less twittering

No outside influences.....If they can't take not hearing from F&Fs don't go in.




what you say crunchy (again sorry about cheryl)

like the old days

proper mix of ages to go in

a veg garden to look after

and chickens/hens

for when they screw up tasks & need basic food

none of these wannabee types

tasks that MEAN something

it should be the best man/woman wins

not the one with the biggest hooters or the biggest pulling power

cos i lose interest when it comes to looks etc...

i want a good old fashioned social experiment

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

what you say crunchy (again sorry about cheryl)

like the old days

proper mix of ages to go in

a veg garden to look after

and chickens/hens

for when they screw up tasks & need basic food

none of these wannabee types

tasks that MEAN something

it should be the best man/woman wins

not the one with the biggest hooters or the biggest pulling power

cos i lose interest when it comes to looks etc...

i want a good old fashioned social experiment

 I agree with all of that too.

Originally Posted by Baz:

I agree with all your points Crunchy ...but sadly they would take no notice at all . Trash is what they want , and trash is what they've got ! 

That's it. Rawky is right, it's the end. It will never go back to a decent concept.

cologne 1
Last edited by cologne 1
Originally Posted by Aimee:
I agree with all your points but unfortunately CH 5 don't want it run like the BB we know and love, they want to be more like TOWIE and via the internet not LF


Originally Posted by Baz:

I agree with all your points Crunchy ...but sadly they would take no notice at all . Trash is what they want , and trash is what they've got ! 

When are CH5 going to realise that BB fans don't want Towie trash, we want our BB back.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Can you remember that task in BB 9 when they had to keep cycling and Belinda nearly killed herself that's the sort of tasks we need

 Belinda, Belinda, Belinda!

There were so many good tasks in the old days.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Can you remember that task in BB 9 when they had to keep cycling and Belinda nearly killed herself that's the sort of tasks we need

Yes Those were the days  

Are viewers actually going up by the year the more they ruin it? Can anyone pull up some figures.

I used to like the tasks where they had to do all nighters in shifts to pass it. With the live E4 coverage it was great!
Crunchy Nuts
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I agree with all of your suggestions, Crunchy.

I would add automatic nomination for any noms talk, and exclude anyone who has an agent from applying for BB. Wannabees not allowed!

Yes to Crunchy and especially this from Yogi ^ 


You can tell they aren't listening, look at the last CBB they had great viewing figures, young people were talking about it, press covered it and who was causing most of the stir, Jim and Linda, two people who weren't TOWIE look a likes
What about the audition process? How is it done these days? Maybe that needs to be looked at.

The no agents rule is good. Leave them wannabes for "celebrity" big brother. Or run a separate wannabe big brother series where they put them in for 10 weeks but don't film them.
Crunchy Nuts
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
What about the audition process? How is it done these days? Maybe that needs to be looked at.

The no agents rule is good. Leave them wannabes for "celebrity" big brother. Or run a separate wannabe big brother series where they put them in for 10 weeks but don't film them.

 I really like that idea. 


I agree with all you've said Crunchy 

There should be absolutely no outside influence, basic rations should mean very basic rations, tasks should be over night endurance affairs, all warnings should be read out and reasons given, no housemates even remotely connected to anyone on the BB production side and, of course, LF at least considered for weekends, (but preferably 24/7). 

Last edited by Bethni
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
What about the audition process? How is it done these days? Maybe that needs to be looked at.

The no agents rule is good. Leave them wannabes for "celebrity" big brother. Or run a separate wannabe big brother series where they put them in for 10 weeks but don't film them.

Now that I like 


The problem is the contestants are wise to the format,

"Is he on a task?"

So BB needs to be different every year - constantly changing - it would keep viewing interesting too.


And the contestants - the one's chosen are too savvy.

Selection needs to change. We need real characters who go back to their own lives afterwards.

Like Jonty

Last edited by Saint
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
What about the audition process? How is it done these days? Maybe that needs to be looked at.

The no agents rule is good. Leave them wannabes for "celebrity" big brother. Or run a separate wannabe big brother series where they put them in for 10 weeks but don't film them.

Love love love it 


I agree with everyone..


plus I want them to be penalised every time they say they are up for nomination.. they are not up for bleeding nomination [except prior to noms starting when they are all up to be nominated by others except Helen who is immune] they are up for EVICTION..


drives me bonkers that even BB say it wrong now

Mount Olympus *Olly*

I agree with everything in here


I've said for ages bring back the veg patch and chickens Agree about the 24 hour tasks they were great, also have difficult tasks like they used to be so they lived off chickpeas for 3 weeks stright And they proper limit the booze now - actually do they still? I haven;t watched any since C5 took it over, but remember how pissed they used to be in BB3?

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


I agree with everyone..


plus I want them to be penalised every time they say they are up for nomination.. they are not up for bleeding nomination [except prior to noms starting when they are all up to be nominated by others except Helen who is immune] they are up for EVICTION..


drives me bonkers that even BB say it wrong now

I thought I was the only one that got irritated by this!!

Even some of the more intelligent housemates over the years have said up for nomination. Bugs the life out of me as well!
Crunchy Nuts
Originally Posted by SazBomb:


I agree with everything in here


I've said for ages bring back the veg patch and chickens Agree about the 24 hour tasks they were great, also have difficult tasks like they used to be so they lived off chickpeas for 3 weeks stright And they proper limit the booze now - actually do they still? I haven;t watched any since C5 took it over, but remember how pissed they used to be in BB3?

Yeah Lawler and co used to have proper sessions. Nowadays there's always some sort of task where they can win a party of some sort where there is limited alcohol. In BB3 days they used to pass the task, go into the diary room with their blackboard and chalk, order a shit load of booze on the shopping list and got on it the very next night. Those were the days!
Crunchy Nuts
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
Are viewers actually going up by the year the more they ruin it? Can anyone pull up some figures.

I used to like the tasks where they had to do all nighters in shifts to pass it. With the live E4 coverage it was great!

so did I but there's little point without live feed as we would only see what BB want us to see and without live feed, BB have had more opportunities to manipulate things  


I remember when they first cut LF and then took it away completely. .a lot of people moaned at those of us who moaned about LF being taken away saying why not just be happy with the Highlight show. . but we knew even back then that it was a different show if you only watched the highlights..


Here we are now a few years later and more or less everyone feels they are being duped with only the HL show and it's editing..


hate to say it but I told ya so to all those that were HL only show watchers.. 


[not targeting anyone in particular here, there may not be any of those that hated our bring back LF campaigns left ]

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

I would like to see less interference from the production team. They manipulate the edit to show those they want evicted in a bad light in order to influence the vote


I would also like to see less of the wannabe *models* and *fame hungry idiots* with no discernible talent. Let us have *real* people for a change


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