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forgetmenot...i pay BB for my Lf but i just googled Justin, tv then Big Brother, hey presto its on, shouldnt really say this as C4 will pick up on it, but i dont see the problem we all pay for the internet, and we have paid for BB over the years with our TV ratings, phone votes etc. I certainly have no problem with anyone getting it "free".
C4  would have found it anyway regardless of whether that troll person reported it or not. . they go searching all the time and always have done..

the way to keep the link going for longer is to PM each other with it. .that's how we have always done it in past years. .posting it means C4 find it quicker  pull it then there is more delay while they set a new one up..

  the C4 spies are every where..try and keep it going longer by NOT posting it in a  public thread..

btw I have C4's LF but was annoyed when that was down today to find the back up was pulled mid morning too after only being set up late yesterday ...  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: i hope your joking, this is the only way i can watch it and i hope it's not you that keeps reporting these sites as i find that down right nasty I hope that's not why they were down Aimee, because if that wasn't a joke it was a pathetic sh*tty thing to do.
I agree Dame, if i could pay for the CH4 site i would but i don't have a credit card etc, like olly say's maybe people should PM the links instead, i've been looking for another site but can't find one
I agree Dame, if i could pay for the CH4 site i would but i don't have a credit card etc, like olly say's maybe people should PM the links instead, i've been looking for another site but can't find one

I know Aimee, I've paid and my live feeds been on and off all day, it's really choppy tonight.

If someone does have a new link maybe can they PM it to those who do not have live feed. If it's been reported from a member of here, well words fail me 

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