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We were given enough information to doubt it.  Blair and co have the answers. They refuse to answer the questions

We were given the information that the media wanted us to have - never underestimate the power of the media.  With regards to Blair and Co - yes they do have answers however the fact that we don't know all of them kind of proves my point that we don't have enough informaton to come up with a definitive answer on this one.
The premise for the war were the alledged arms that Saddam had. It was pretty obvious from the start that there weren't any....and lo and behold none were found.  The actions were then 'justified' by the toppling of Saddam. However it is NOT LEGAL to oust another country's leader by military means just because you don't like the way they operate.

Therefore the whole thing WAS illegal. And the people who are mostly paying for it are the Iraqi citizens.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Reference: PP
We were given the information that the media wanted us to have - never underestimate the power of the media.  With regards to Blair and Co - yes they do have answers however the fact that we don't know all of them kind of proves my point that we don't have enough informaton to come up with a definitive answer on this one.
Blair quotes:  

"The document discloses that his (Saddam) military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them." 

Proven lies.

"It is absolutely clear from the Iraq Survey Group... that [Saddam] was concealing material he

should have delivered up to the UN." 

None were found. 

I, like milllions of others, didn`t rely on the media to convince us that this was an illegal war. 

Blair proved it by his own utterances. 

Btw did you read the link? 

You need hindsight to see invading another country who posed no domestic threat was wrong?
No. You needed it to be sure. I was of the opinion that is was wrong at the time of invasion though I suspected that W was just finishing off his Dads unfinished business.
As for WMDs, I remember thinking at the time that if anyone would know Iraqs armament capabilities, the Yanks would cos it would have been them that had sold them to Iraq in the first place.
Ensign Muf
When talking about the number of children who died under the Saddam regime, you should take into account the sanctions imposed by the UN at the behest of the US and their cronies, us included, as it was almost impossible to get medicines and other essentials into Iraq.
The US and their allies were killing plenty of Iraqi's before they started dropping bombs on them

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