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Do you have any interest in becoming a community moderator on this site? Moderators are unpaid volunteers who help to enforce rules and guidelines.  If you have interest, let us know by replying here.  We'll consider everyone, and may put things up to a vote.


To qualify as a moderator, you should:


1) Have an established record of good behavior on this site.

2) Be patient and able to keep things civil, while still enforcing the rules.

3) Enjoy helping others.

4) Be a regular participant on the site.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

 Personally I think it's a receipe for disaster to appoint any existing FMs as moderators.  Whilst most people get on reasonably well here, there are many friendship groups, where some FMs might feel that a biased approach was being taken, and there are also some longstanding grudges and bad feeling between some people which date back a long way.  I think it would put many people off using the forum if any of us were appointed as mods. 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:

That's the last thing we need on this forum.To be honest I doubt anyone on this forum would want to be a moderator .

I undersand where you are coming from but its a big no no from me.

I agree ..... not a good idea at all....... moreover, don't we already have Lori?

Yes, I think Lori does an excellent and very fair job as moderator.  This is quite a small forum, and there don't seem to be too many problems most of the time, so I wouldn't have thought it was a very onerous job for her? 

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