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Do you have any interest in becoming a community moderator on this site? Moderators are unpaid volunteers who help to enforce rules and guidelines.  If you have interest, let us know by replying here.  We'll consider everyone, and may put things up to a vote.


To qualify as a moderator, you should:


1) Have an established record of good behavior on this site.

2) Be patient and able to keep things civil, while still enforcing the rules.

3) Enjoy helping others.

4) Be a regular participant on the site.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

 Personally I think it's a receipe for disaster to appoint any existing FMs as moderators.  Whilst most people get on reasonably well here, there are many friendship groups, where some FMs might feel that a biased approach was being taken, and there are also some longstanding grudges and bad feeling between some people which date back a long way.  I think it would put many people off using the forum if any of us were appointed as mods. 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:

That's the last thing we need on this forum.To be honest I doubt anyone on this forum would want to be a moderator .

I undersand where you are coming from but its a big no no from me.

I agree ..... not a good idea at all....... moreover, don't we already have Lori?

Yes, I think Lori does an excellent and very fair job as moderator.  This is quite a small forum, and there don't seem to be too many problems most of the time, so I wouldn't have thought it was a very onerous job for her? 

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by erinp:

That's the last thing we need on this forum.To be honest I doubt anyone on this forum would want to be a moderator .

I undersand where you are coming from but its a big no no from me.

I agree ..... not a good idea at all....... moreover, don't we already have Lori?

agree as well

but ducky if i had to name somebody sorry ducks

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

No FMs for Mods, seriously.


We might already have upset people....'Why has no-one suggested me?'....sort of thing!

Cos there's not enough of us here to be that big headed..........or is there? 

Oops....haha! I didn't know that Aimee was going to say me....honest!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

she needs the loo too much to be watching whats going on here  *runs*

Sprout has the runs?!

Meh! what's new? 

uhoh, that's me barred for life !

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Look  nuts! There's a uniform for you and everything

She's already bought it. That's why it says that it's not available any-more!

Nah, twasn't me. They didn't have my size left


How about this one?

Nah, not keen on that one. It shows me arms a bit too much. I'm arm concious 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
If I may offer a solution in a football stylee. Mebbees one should get a moderator in on loan from another team.

I feel this is the only workable solution to the mod question.


Ted, we are all very grateful for your provision of this site and I don't think it's unreasonable to expect us to do some of the work but appointing mods from within the ranks of those here is unworkable. We are thankful for Lori putting in a lot of hard work modding us as a favour.


This will probably sound ungrateful and contraversial but, I believe that a lot of the problems that happened when this site opened were down to not only previously held grudges that were waiting for an opportunity to be vented but also (and this is the contraversial bit) because the your team there got very friendly with a couple of vindictive fms who had very large axes to grind.

As someone who was on the receiving end of a lot of the nastiness, I felt at the time that the mods were taking sides and a lot of fms felt the same way. The situation sorted itself out and since then I can only say that Lori is fair and sensible with her decisions

I chose to stick around but everyone else left and if you were to appoint mods from within then I think you find that some of the few fms left here now would leave.


Perhaps, as Joe suggests, you could get someone from another site to mod here and some of us could mod there in an exchange

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
If I may offer a solution in a football stylee. Mebbees one should get a moderator in on loan from another team.

Perhaps, as Joe suggests, you could get someone from another site to mod here and some of us could mod there in an exchange

I think Veggie's suggestion is the closest you'll get to something workable for  us.  There are a few on here who could make good mods .....but not on here.  As has been said the history runs deep.

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

I am slightly surprised, but very pleased that virtually everyone on this thread seems to feel the same.  Sorry Ted, but IMO letting ANY FM on here become a mod is a very bad idea, as virtually everyone on here has had some beef with someone at some time, ... on here AND on the Ch 4 site; under old and previous usernames - but I would say that everyone has had a bad time with SOMEONE.  


Whilst I get on with many people on here; several FMs detest me, and just post negative and snide comments to just about everything I write.  Either that, or they just ignore the thread (if I start one.)  I am OK with people debating and saying that they disagree with me, (I don't expect to post controversial shit and people say nothing!) but several FMs here just pick apart everything and critisize for the sake of it, when they wouldn't do it if it were someone else.  And it's ALWAYS the same 3 or 4 people/usernames.  And one in particular always baits, but I do ignore them (much to their disgust!)  And yes, I know *I* am not perfect, but certain people on here do troll my threads sometimes and post snide remarks, deliberately baiting me.


Like a few have said, I wouldn't vote for one single person to be a mod, because even if *I* get on OK with them, like I said, everyone has had some beef with someone at one time.  And like someone said above ^^^ certain members have been close to mods in the past, and claimed to be close to one particular mod or another, and they have tried to lord it over people, like some kind of 'piss me off and I will report you' kind of blackmail.  


Moreover, the FMs that have apparently left and disappeared many moons ago, who fell out with some existing members here, could well be still here under new usernames.  Apart from the same small handful of regular posters who appear to despise me; I have had some pretty nasty comments aimed at me from a couple of usernames who rarely post unless they want to have a dig, and they always imply I am a certain poster from the past.. amongst other snide comments...  


So I genuinely believe that nobody here has never fallen out with someone.  I can honestly say that if an FM here became a mod, I think I would probably leave, because several people detest me, and several times they have posted, I have seen 3 or 4 other FMs at the time 'siding' with them.  So any FM becoming a mod would make me seriously consider not posting anymore.  It has not happened for a few months as one of the mods warned them last time, but still, that doesn't change the fact that they loathe me.  And the feeling is mutual!


Isn't the 'report button' sufficient Ted?  There is always a FEW members on here at any time of day; so if any FM thinks there is something out of order going on, they can report it..  I mean, whoever chose to go for the job, would have to be on here a lot, and I don't know about others, but sometimes I don't come on for 2 or 3 days.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Aquarius:

I can't imagine *anyone* wanting the aggravation of being a mod

it must be a totally thankless task.  Imagine having to mediate with fms you've known for anything up to 10 years!!  Impossible.

I know no one in their right mind would nominate me (and rightly so ).

I'd be like Cags ~ on a bad day we'd clear the forum in a week

On one of my bad days it'd take me about an hour 

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Aquarius:

I can't imagine *anyone* wanting the aggravation of being a mod

it must be a totally thankless task.  Imagine having to mediate with fms you've known for anything up to 10 years!!  Impossible.

I know no one in their right mind would nominate me (and rightly so ).

I'd be like Cags ~ on a bad day we'd clear the forum in a week

On one of my bad days it'd take me about an hour 



LMAO !!  Yeah you could well be right ~ I was maybe a wee bit optimistic

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

There is also the problem of 'power corrupting' so it would be a no from me as to having FM modding here although I like the idea of an exchange from another community.

What do you mean by that hun?    Do you mean, the power would corrupt people?

I was a member of a forum where we 'self moderated' with the occasional visits from the 'proper mods'. 


One person kept causing really bad problems so it was decided that mods were needed from amongst our FMs.  Two people who were almost as bad as the one that was repeatedly banned were made mods even though there were better candidates if we had to have FM mods and it caused a lot of people to become uncomfortable.


The upshot was that they let the power of being a mod go to their head in that there were no double posts allowed (if you wanted to say something - you had to edit your previous post) if not you were banned, you couldn't quote entire posts - only the bit you were particularly referring to, pictures were to be a regulation size which was really quite small (not much bigger than our profile pictures) no warning just the ban stick - however, if you were their friends you were sent a polite message to change what you'd done wrong and no ban but if you weren't their friend, it was instant ban, although most were overturned on appeal to the admin.


The upshot is the forum closed down eventually as no one would post as the never ending lists of dos and don't and people being banned for silly offences grew 


Sorry long post but some people can let being a 'mod' go to their head 


Thanks Pengy  


I actually used to be a member of a forum that was for the fans of a big Hollywood star.  It was started up in 1999 by a guy in Japan who was a fan of this star, and then after a couple of years, he let someone take over (Gina,) who used to live in America but now lived near him, (she was a member because she knew the original site creator personally,) but she was not a massive fan of this actor.  She didn't dislike him but she wasn't a fan.  


Then GINA appointed 2 people who she got on with, who were forum members to help her moderate, and all 3 of these women were total bitches and control freaks and they would really lord it over you and threaten you with the banstick if you crossed the line, and they also had a go if you used their bandwidth with huge pics.  Then when people who hated this actor came on the site to troll it, Gina did nothing and said that they were entitled to their opinion.  


It was so annoying because the site had been great for 2 years and then was ruined by making FMs moderators.  

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I vote for Fluffy they are the only one that what take this job seriously 

noooooooo, sorry fluffs but,  we'd all get banned for bad grammar or spelling something wrong. .. 

Well, NO only has ONE 'O' that's you banned!

Mmmmm, use of ..... That's both of us banned Fluffs!


When any Forum has a code of conduct - which all members should read and respect - a good  Moderator oversees that members adhere to that. If any member steps too far over the line the Moderator should step in regardless of whether they're a friend or not, with a warning first if necessary but it would depend on the situation. Someone who can take a step back from being an FM to being Moderator needs to be mature in their attitude, sensible and have just the right tone when it's called for, like Lori does and many other good Mods I've come across on different forums over the years. There's a couple here who I think have those qualities...maybe there's more and I've not noticed them as much lol. If anyone from here is chosen I think Ted and/or Lori have enough experience to know who to choose, I wish them luck lol.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I vote for Fluffy they are the only one that what take this job seriously 

noooooooo, sorry fluffs but,  we'd all get banned for bad grammar or spelling something wrong. .. 

Well, NO only has ONE 'O' that's you banned!

Nope you're wrong in this instance .. it wasn't the way I was saying no as I typed, it was a long drawn out noooooooooooooooooooooooo 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
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