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Does anyone do this? By "walking" I am talking about the myriad of people that I see walking briskly in jogging bottoms carrying water and looking like they are doing it as some sort of formal exercise.

I would love to have a go.

Please don't laugh but how do you start? How do you know what pace to set and how hard to push yourself.


Any advice gratefully received.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by Baz:

I think you start by just taking a walk around your local area Issy... set your own pace and then work up from there... Are there no walking clubs near you?? Perhaps you could Google it to see?

I'll have a look> Thanks Baz, its just these people look so organised,

LOL... I know what you mean... I've seen them too But if it was me I would just see if I could find a friend to go walking with to start, and then if you find you like it,  you could perhaps take it further...

Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by zazz:
Originally Posted by Issy:
Originally Posted by zazz:


Too early

It is..


The yard arm isn't over the something or other,

Anyway I am going to try a new recipe tonight so I need my wits about me

I'm cooking beef in red wine with all the trimmings

I am going to do Jerk Chicken .

We are very excited about it.

Originally Posted by Karma_:

If you're having jerk chicken then you should have seasoned it last night to let the flavour really sink in! Jerk chicken is the mutts nuts.

Oh lord - the recipe didn't say that and I did wonder,..


Never mind - I will do it this time but next time marinade it.

One of my patients is from the west indies and she gave me some great tips as well.

Thanks Karma

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

I've never had jerk chicken Karma, I've always thought it would be too spicy I also didn't realise that the peas in rice & peas weren't 'normal' green peas til I saw someone making it on Come Dine With Me once

Same here and I used to wonder what the heck was so clever about frozen rice and peas,


There's different ways you can do it to be fair, but I used to dice the chicken the night before, season and then leave in the fridge overnight and fry or roast the next day (seasoned stuff is usually tastier when left for a day cos the flavour sinks in). Some people boil or stew the meat, I did that with lamb or chicken curry but with jerk it would lose its flavour when I tried it. 


Saz, jerk isn't too hot woman! It's lush! You can add sauces to make it take your head off if you want


With rice and peas, I just did basmati rice, garden peas, sweetcorn and kidney beans and use the stock from the chicken to make the gravy, couldn't be bothered trekkin to a West Indian food shop for the right stuff The only West Indian thing I couldn't eat was curried goat. I had it at a carnival years ago and was sick for days afterwards, it's vile

Originally Posted by Karma_:

There's different ways you can do it to be fair, but I used to dice the chicken the night before, season and then leave in the fridge overnight and fry or roast the next day (seasoned stuff is usually tastier when left for a day cos the flavour sinks in). Some people boil or stew the meat, I did that with lamb or chicken curry but with jerk it would lose its flavour when I tried it. 


Saz, jerk isn't too hot woman! It's lush! You can add sauces to make it take your head off if you want


With rice and peas, I just did basmati rice, garden peas, sweetcorn and kidney beans and use the stock from the chicken to make the gravy, couldn't be bothered trekkin to a West Indian food shop for the right stuff The only West Indian thing I couldn't eat was curried goat. I had it at a carnival years ago and was sick for days afterwards, it's vile

Well it is simmering like a simmering thing.

What would you recommend adding to make it really hot?

Originally Posted by Triggers:

Get a pedometer Issy. It is a great way to see how many steps, distance, time and even calories burned! You can chart your progress - I found it an invaluable little gadget.



Yes I will.

I have to be honest - the idea of walking around here appeals cos there are loads of good walks and they are all on the flat,

Call me a wally but I do hate hills

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

all we have are jogging & running peeps round here..   I have never seen a power walker...   the image I have in my head is of the dad from malcom in the middle - there was an episode where he got into the power walking thing...  


it looks a bit silly 


Lordy Ditty - you can't move for them round here either.

I just thought a gentle stroll to begin with and then we will see,,,,

I've only been walking for exercise a few years now, before that I'd get in the car to pop down the shop 1/4 mile away! Start with a half hour or so, gradually increasing your time/distance... Pick a variety of routes, and change the direction you go in... Add in some hills and you'll soon increase fitness... Get some muscle soak bath salts and relax after... Enjoy
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I've only been walking for exercise a few years now, before that I'd get in the car to pop down the shop 1/4 mile away! Start with a half hour or so, gradually increasing your time/distance... Pick a variety of routes, and change the direction you go in... Add in some hills and you'll soon increase fitness... Get some muscle soak bath salts and relax after... Enjoy

Is it the way forward then?I just want to feel fitter...

Yes it's def the way forward issy! I used to have moments where I wondered why I was out there doing it but once you get that lush feeling after you get home, you start craving it! Oh I also spent ÂĢ80 on some decent walking boots which made me determined to do at least 80 walks! Also if you want to throw in some fun check out it's responsible for me getting out for many many many many walks!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

all we have are jogging & running peeps round here..   I have never seen a power walker...   the image I have in my head is of the dad from malcom in the middle - there was an episode where he got into the power walking thing...  


it looks a bit silly 


Some of em go so fast they look like they've crapped themselves 


I've seen loads of those fit flop things advertised but they're about ÂĢ50 a pair. Dunno if they work or not?


Re the hot sauce, I've never used it but I've been told Encona is quite hot.


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