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No I'm not talking about the crisps. I'm talking about the clowns who are chosen over thousands of hopefuls to have a 'once in a lifetime experience' knowing full well exactly what BB is all about then deciding to walk because they miss their family or can't handle it or some other pitiful crap.

What the hell are these people doing on BBLB? And why is Davina interviewing that boring illiterate oxygen thief Keeva on Friday night when most viewers couldn't wait for her to be gone? When people say they want to walk they should be told 'please leave through the door on your right' and sent home in a taxi never to be heard of again. No BBLB, no BBBM, and no interviews on eviction night stealing limelight from HM's who have stayed to the death. If they adopted this attitude from the start you would NEVER have HM's threatening to walk for days and days to milk as much airtime out of it as they can get.

Yeah that counts for you too Shabby if you're reading this you boring spoiled little twonk.

/rant over.

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When people say they want to walk they should be told 'please leave through the door on your right' and sent home in a taxi never to be heard of again. No BBLB, no BBBM, and no interviews on eviction night stealing limelight from HM's who have stayed to the death. If they adopted this attitude from the start you would NEVER have HM's threatening to walk for days and days to milk as much airtime out of it as they can get.
Turtelly agree :
and I'd go so far as to have a gagging order in the contract so if they walk they don't get to talk to any mags or get their baps out for at a least 6 months (by which time everyone will have forgotten who they are)
Totally agree with sentiments of OP and this should definitely have been part of their contract going in ... if they can't stay the course, then let them slink back into the oblivion from which they came
Oh my, The Daily Mail - sorry GaGa JoyJoy popular opinion league have spoken!

Walkers: Hang 'em
             Damn cowards why are they on me telly screen
             Burn the witch - she's evil - i didn't get a chance to evict her
             Blah blah blah rant rant rant

Except of course, some of us have empathy for the reasoning and motive behind unpopular decisions - even admire the actions of folk the place their personal reasoning on a higher plain than a RTV show. Seemingly C4 have a little understanding that some of their viewers (the non caveman/cavewoman variety)want to see these quitters - such as Shabby She reckons quitting was a massive mistake - well yeah, i can relate to that - i've made many mistakes myself.
Cold Sweat
Except of course, some of us have empathy for the reasoning and motive behind unpopular decisions - even admire the actions of folk the place their personal reasoning on a higher plain than a RTV show. Seemingly C4 have a little understanding that some of their viewers (the non caveman/cavewoman variety)want to see these quitters - such as Shabby She reckons quitting was a massive mistake - well yeah, i can relate to that - i've made many mistakes myself.
Yeah Prom et al - stop reading the Daily Mail and have some empathy, like he who stalks worships Shabby does.
Walkers: Hang 'em              Damn cowards why are they on me telly screen              Burn the witch - she's evil - i didn't get a chance to evict her              Blah blah blah rant rant rant
Who said that? Was it me? *scrolls up* Nope. Who cares if they 'made a mistake'? Shabby and Kevin both had MULTIPLE opportunities to change their minds not to mention hours upon hours in the house but still went ahead with it. All walkers are given the same treatment. 

They had their chance, they blew it. End. I'll thank you not to put words or sentiments in my mouth the next time you go about defending the indefensible. Please comment on my post, not one you fabricated. Thank you.
Shut your bloody trap! I reserve my empathy for exceptional situations, like a documentary I watched recently about babies being raped by grown men in an attempt to cure them of AIDS. Not for a a Twat in a Hat like Shabby. Got that?!?

It's  not worth your ire lovey - some people live breathe and eat the waste of space that are the HM's in BB.
The rest of us are in the real world. xxxx
Shut your bloody trap! I reserve my empathy for exceptional situations, like a documentary I watched recently about babies being raped by grown men in an attempt to cure them of AIDS. Not for a a Twat in a Hat like Shabby. Got that?!?
Good god Suze that really does put things into perspective imo,and yes I wholeheartedly agree that is deserving of empathy.
Careful suzy. I got reported for much less than that and was banned for being 'disrespectful'. There are only two people on here who would have reported it considering the conversation. Cold Sweat is one of them. He's not worth getting banned for, really.
Thanks Prom, but tbh I don't really care if he reports me, I only hope that he has some empathy for me for reacting to his crap  Dame Ann 
if we are talking perspective then we should all remember that we are all sitting for hours on end on a big brother forum discussing big brother. the things that matter to us on this forum have no relevance to the things that happen to us or anyone outside this forum. You cant compare and combine the two.

so within this forum we can admire people who go on the program......


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