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Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Aww super,little sweeties...alas more and more pets are getting dumped,especially kittens as folk sometimes can't afford to get females cats neutered,or the boys.Bunnies especially are getting abandoned ,shame..

There's a neutering/feeding etc. programme where she is Katty and they are looked after v well, however the people from the villages up in the mountains then dump them 'cos they know that....there are plans to extend the programme up there.....Poor little things had been taken from their mother far too early, didn't know how to feed bless 'em, hence the attempts with the dropper from my Rescue Remedy bottle !!!

Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

 Where will they go now Supes?

1 got taken by a local family Ev' little girl kept coming every day and she must have eventually persuaded her mum n dad to let her have one.....Last I knew my sis' was hopeful that she'd managed to home the other two, thank goodness.....if not, think I can guess where they'll end up and that definitely won't be on the streets!

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Aww my Rio Rabbit has got his big old dewlap back,bit like his own inbuilt chin cushion.Boy buns have a ruff/dewlap to look more impessive to the laydees! Fingers crossed he will now thrive,even though he's getting on in years.

was looking for the " like" button there Glad he's doing better katty


Well slinki he went down to three kilos,he was nearly four,so a quarter of his body wieght was lost,quite extreme.As I said before he was knocked out and got a full burring down of his back molars.The vet stated his teeth were not in the best shape  at the back,common in older buns etc.However two weeks strong anti-biotics did the trick.Though that can be worrying as any upset to a buns digestive system which anti-biotics  can trigger,can lead to gut stasis.What poor Cleo died from.Ohh Sigh bloomin' pets.

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

 Where will they go now Supes?

1 got taken by a local family Ev' little girl kept coming every day and she must have eventually persuaded her mum n dad to let her have one.....Last I knew my sis' was hopeful that she'd managed to home the other two, thank goodness.....if not, think I can guess where they'll end up and that definitely won't be on the streets!


So pleased your lot came across them. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):

Sproot, i thought your dad  was sitting at a computer, but i bet they were not around then lol 

Oy missis! I'm not that old! 

You said a good few years ago, you may have been a twinkle in his eye for all i know  

I wasn't 

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Well slinki he went down to three kilos,he was nearly four,so a quarter of his body wieght was lost,quite extreme.As I said before he was knocked out and got a full burring down of his back molars.The vet stated his teeth were not in the best shape  at the back,common in older buns etc.However two weeks strong anti-biotics did the trick.Though that can be worrying as any upset to a buns digestive system which anti-biotics  can trigger,can lead to gut stasis.What poor Cleo died from.Ohh Sigh bloomin' pets.

I know,, they;re a joy and a worry , eh? x

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

STOP with the kitty pics FFS!!!!!    


I don't like cats.    


Why do I want one now? 


I have kitten envy.

You WILL be a baffie-wearing ,goonie -clad mad cat laydee !! Oh yes you will!

Ah slinki.. there are those who reckon I'm a mad cat lady anyway.. even without the goonie, baffies or cats!   (minka looks gorgeous btw)


As for Atlas and Zeus asleep

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

Stop it!!!!!   *fingers in ears/eyes shut lalalalalalallalalalala*


Tolkien .... i might be in love.


I'm not opening the form... i've had a couple of glasses of wine.... 

He's gorgeous, eh? And older, so less chance of someone taking him home than the younger cats there . I'll stop now


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