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I have voted Liberal for most of my life, and will probably continue to do so.
However I don't much like any of the party leaders.
Pitifully, with an election drawing closer the point-scoring, party-political, yaa-boo, infantile style has already loomed large. The aim seems to tarnish the other parties, rather than be positive about themselves.
A childish political style of debate and leaders who do not inspire me is a dismal prospect.
I had quite a shock yesterday. I attended a social gathering in a rural town and was quite astounded at the level of political debate. You and I, dear reader, probably have a good laugh at downmarket rags such as the Sun and Mail. Yesterday I met their readers.
They've taken it all on board! It doesn't matter whether this forum has 40% support for Labour (last time I looked) but William Haig won't be too bothered.
Garage Joe
where are the monster raving loony party when we need them

if only Screaming Lord Sutch was still around, he would get my vote - spoke more sense than this lot

The Official Monster Raving Loony Party are still going strong under their new leader.  They have several local council seats, and will be fielding lots of candidates in the General Election.
The Official Monster Raving Loony Party are still going strong under their new leader. They have several local council seats, and will be fielding lots of candidates in the General Election.
thanks Growly - thats good to hear

unfortunately, they never have a candidate where i am in fact, we only get the boring run of the mill same as same as candidates

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