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Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Marcus spoke about nominations but as we know (it's happened plenty of times in the past) the usual punishment is for the guilty HM to be put up along with whoever is nominated.

Make no mistake.

This vote to save business is the result of Siavash acting like an overgrown infant in a strop and refusing to play the game.

But will he pay the price ?, probably not. Mad

I think Siavash will round. It's only a week since Noirin left and most FMs gave Marcus a bit of time to adjust after his initial rejection by Noirin. I hope Siavash is given another week to change.
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Marcus spoke about nominations but as we know (it's happened plenty of times in the past) the usual punishment is for the guilty HM to be put up along with whoever is nominated.

Make no mistake.

This vote to save business is the result of Siavash acting like an overgrown infant in a strop and refusing to play the game.

But will he pay the price ?, probably not. Mad

I will vote my for my fave, Freddie but will also chuck Hira a vote as I doubt many others will !
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Marcus spoke about nominations but as we know (it's happened plenty of times in the past) the usual punishment is for the guilty HM to be put up along with whoever is nominated.

Make no mistake.

This vote to save business is the result of Siavash acting like an overgrown infant in a strop and refusing to play the game.

But will he pay the price ?, probably not. Mad

Oh course he won't pay any price. He will say - like before when he has put himself up for eviction - that it proves that the public support him.

Predictably we already have post in this thread saying they can forgive him now as he just had a bad week. Well I'd say he has had a bad two weeks, he created the problem in the house with his actions over Noirin.

And now that he will talk about nominations with his friends - as he insists he won't nominate and he tells this to everyone - people here want to put up his friends as they hope Siavash can survive against them.
Free Thinking
Originally posted by Scotty:
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Originally posted by Scotty:
Another thread already. I`m thinking of tearing my hair out. Crazy
Why Scotty?

I foresee KIB`s threads on Siavash being like the endless ones on Kris. I can`t take it!! Laugh

I got your friends invite..thanks. I`ll get back to you. Valentine
ah OK hun I see, had just come back on thought I'd missed something Laugh
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Can we vote to kick 'Kris is Bliss' out? Ninja ....... I'm just jessing Big Grin but seriously is there any need for another thread? You've already got one on Siavash already.

Have I ?

Where ?

You mean the one that is in the troll tank ?

Did it get trolled?, I didn't realise.......interesting Ninja

But you got one called 'Evict Siavash and his Comedy Clothes' somewhere.
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Can we vote to kick 'Kris is Bliss' out? Ninja ....... I'm just jessing Big Grin but seriously is there any need for another thread? You've already got one on Siavash already.

Have I ?

Where ?

You mean the one that is in the troll tank ?

Where this one will end up shortly if ya all don't stop back biting! Big Grin
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Can we vote to kick 'Kris is Bliss' out? Ninja ....... I'm just jessing Big Grin but seriously is there any need for another thread? You've already got one on Siavash already.

Have I ?

Where ?

You mean the one that is in the troll tank ?

Did it get trolled?, I didn't realise.......interesting Ninja

Yes it's there if you want to go and see the baiting etc.

But you got one called 'Evict Siavash and his Comedy Clothes' somewhere.[/

That was before the vote to save fiasco that has since arisen due to Siavashs decision not to nominate.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Can we vote to kick 'Kris is Bliss' out? Ninja ....... I'm just jessing Big Grin but seriously is there any need for another thread? You've already got one on Siavash already.

Have I ?

Where ?

You mean the one that is in the troll tank ?

Where this one will end up shortly if ya all don't stop back biting! Big Grin


It was not my actions that got it troll tanked.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Jeanoj:
Witha vote to save it is impossible to get rid of the housemate you don't like - unless you vote for the others. Not many people will do that! Freddie and siavash are safe this week but sadly, so are Bea and Lisa. David is at risk but I think Hira will go as she hasn't been vocal enough to develop a fan base.

That is unfortunately the reality.

Someone else will pay the price for Siavashs childish behavior. Mad
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Are you encouraging apathy amongst Siavash supporters KIB?

No and your point is taken, I just thought even his fans would realise how much of a selfish individual he is now but I realise that's not the case.
As you can see in my sig he's been a big fave of mine and apart from anything else I hate changing sigs. Personally I think he's having a bad week and his decision to "take himself out of the game" was massively ill judged. That being said I'll continue to cut him some slack but he needs to get back in the game.
captain marbles
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Are you encouraging apathy amongst Siavash supporters KIB?

No and your point is taken, I just thought even his fans would realise how much of a selfish individual he is now but I realise that's not the case.
As you can see in my sig he's been a big fave of mine and apart from anything else I hate changing sigs. Personally I think he's having a bad week and his decision to "take himself out of the game" was massively ill judged. That being said I'll continue to cut him some slack but he needs to get back in the game.
but Capn, do you think its fair that in making this decision, someone else has to suffer until he decides he wants back in?
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Are you encouraging apathy amongst Siavash supporters KIB?

No and your point is taken, I just thought even his fans would realise how much of a selfish individual he is now but I realise that's not the case.
As you can see in my sig he's been a big fave of mine and apart from anything else I hate changing sigs. Personally I think he's having a bad week and his decision to "take himself out of the game" was massively ill judged. That being said I'll continue to cut him some slack but he needs to get back in the game.

Ill judged ?, I'd say there was no judgement involved at all, just toys thrown from the pram.

And someone else will be paying for it.
Kris Is Bliss
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Originally posted by Kris Is Bliss:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Are you encouraging apathy amongst Siavash supporters KIB?

No and your point is taken, I just thought even his fans would realise how much of a selfish individual he is now but I realise that's not the case.
As you can see in my sig he's been a big fave of mine and apart from anything else I hate changing sigs. Personally I think he's having a bad week and his decision to "take himself out of the game" was massively ill judged. That being said I'll continue to cut him some slack but he needs to get back in the game.

He misjudged Noirin by a mile too. I had him as the wise one in the group. His words of wisdom and sense impressed me early on. I've removed him form my sig I'm afraid.
There again Bea impressed me initually and Ive removed her too.
Reality Junkie

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