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I can't put face to your voice link. Years ago when I was a young dental nurse I fell in love with a patients voice on the phone, he was American and had the sexiest voice I'd ever heard. His name was 'Mr Folvacheny' ( I can't remember how to spell it, but I've never forgotten his name)
All us dental nurse's couldn't wait to meet him, the day of his appointment we were all done up to the nines, hair, false eyelashes the works.

In walked a 4ft 6" Grouch Marx
I dislike mine too Blizzie. In school the English teacher wanted to record us reading from some book, Pygmalion I think, and I threw a hissy fit cos I so didn't want to hear my recorded voice! I was totally embarrassed by it (my recorded voice).

Generally, I was a little angel in school, so this took them all by surprise. Me too for that matter, as I wouldn't say boo to a goose in those days. (Long, long, oh so very long time ago.)
Following the deluge of replies (liverbird and Xochiquetzal)
here is the person behind the voice.

Zeb Soanes

Zebedee Soanes (born 1976), or Zeb as he is more commonly known, is a continuity announcer on BBC Radio 4. He regularly reads the News and The Shipping Forecast. In his past, he has been a continuity announcer for BBC1, BBC2  and BBC4. He was the first voice to welcome new viewers to the new BBC Four channel when it was launched in2002. He returned to BBC Four in August 2006 as a presenter for the BBCProms. He was born in Lowestoft.

He is not tall. 33 years old. I think he has a beautiful mellifluous voice.

I tried to post a short video clip, but I am stupid and I couldn't do it, so you'll have to make do with a still picture.

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