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I think Vinnie Jones is doing a transference thing.
Sublimating his impulses.

There has hardly ever been a series where we have not seen somebody trying to have power over the others by taking control of the kitchen or the cleaning.
(It usually fails because resentment creeps in.)
I would guess Vinnie may be sublimating his feelings and hoping it brings power.
He would be wrong of course - it often brings resentment.

Vinnie has previously said that he  got stuck in to washing up and cleaning to keep busy. This  would be a distraction from how he felt.
Avoidance by burying yourself in something else. Distraction tactics are well known.
It is something to do, especially if you want to avoid saying something

So I wonder what feelings he is trying to avoid.
What is he trying to distract himself from?

Whatever it may be, I find him a pretty mean-spirited man. Not a nice trait.
I think some housemates feel intimidated by Alex.
And who does he think he is to be giving advice about life and life-choices to Alex.
I would not seek advice from Vinnie.
Also I think much of what he said to Alex was revealing about himself. While attempting to be seen as a tolerant man of the world he came across to me as someone who is uncomfortable with cross-dressing, and perhaps even elements of being gay.
I don't like his cocky and intimidating air.
I agree Deman. .he summed it up at the end when he asked is that the end of the Alex hour for today...

I don't find him intimidating at all.. just straightforward when confronted with a moaning minnie who is doing nowt to help his own cause just making it worse..

That's probably cos he (Alex) hasn't got the attention span to actually listen beyond the first few sentences unless it   involves something that he thinks is in his interest/to his benefit i.e. Stephen and the James Bond suggestion. .Alex was all cauliflower ears then

I should think Vinnie (and the rest of them) are pretty fed up of telling Alex how to change the public perception of himself by not doing or admitting to doing stupid things that are only half truths if anything... then Alex not paying attention and moaning on and on every day about the same rubbish and acting like a thick moron in the process.. ..  I'd be sharp and abrupt with him too.. actually I'd walk away and leave him too it.. Vinnie can't 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Olly You can actually hear Vinnie's brain ticking over in amusement as he listens to all that bullshine - he's clearly wondering if the bloke is for real, and enjoying watching him talk himself into looking an even bigger idiot than he first seemed.
hahah so true

Brisket, Vinnie has been trying to get Alex to understand how he is the cause of his own press from almost day one..

it's not clicked with Alex or it's not what he wants to hear  and every day he brings the same rubbish up.. 

I think Vinnie is/was/can still be a nasty piece of work in certain situations ie his footy career   and maybe in general day to day life too. .bit of a bruiser type.. I  can imagine him after a few bevvies in the pub standing up large if there was trouble but he also has a bit of sense and man of the world about him too and is trying to drum some of that into Alex.. not by force tho as Alex asks for the advice  every day and possibly twice on Sundays!
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ahh, I've just remembered. Alex was also bragging that Joe Calzaghe has been on all the front pages (of what - the LaLa Land Post?) saying he wants to fight him.
Course he does, love. A former world champion really thinks a not-very-good cage fighter would be a worthy opponent. He'd wipe the wall with you, with one hand tied behind his back. Now stop being so bloody silly and just PIPE DOWN!
"Media pressure", my aunt..
I like Vinnie. He likes his own way
and that's the very reason I dislike him .... Sov (and possibly Dane)  are the only ones who have challenged Vinnie so far .... but everyone flocks to Vinnie .... no wonder Sov is seen as a fly in the ointment ... the odds are well stacked agaisnt her .... she hasn't got a cat in hells chance in there
Lets face it, no one is going to take Vinnie on now ..... they are all keeping thier heads down hoping to make the final

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