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the only tension being caused in there is by  people laying down rules, having done the whispering first, for back up, and then announcing the rules as if anyone had a choice.
That's right Jackson and Vinnie of course is the ring leader.  Its got nothing to do with food but everything to do with crossing Vinnie........he who must be obeyed

the only tension being caused in there is by  people laying down rules, having done the whispering first, for back up, and then announcing the rules as if anyone had a choice.
Crap...people diving into the kitchen and grabbing what they can without regard for the group as  a whole is certainly adding to the problem. I have a limited budget and 2 teenagers. I have to HIDE some food otherwise they'd wolf it all then be clueless when they didn't have enough for the last 3 days of the week. 

It's 6 of one and half a dozen of the other in some cases - mostly Sov if we're being frank. As much as I like the girl she needs a good slap at times.

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