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Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Threads about the McCanns were deleted as soon as they appeared on the old C4 site.

That was because Daisybee/Dandini/Jodie used to report them non stop until they were removed.

she was the same with anything she didn't like - drove the news forum mental.
Well more mental than they were to start off with Ninja

How odd Confused If I don't like a subject being discussed, I don't read or contribute.

Certainly wouldn't want to prevent anyone else from discussing any subject..

thats how i feel too, i've only ever reported one post and that was for a personal attack.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by MysTerry:

How odd Confused If I don't like a subject being discussed, I don't read or contribute.

Certainly wouldn't want to prevent anyone else from discussing any subject..

thats how i feel too, i've only ever reported one post and that was for a personal attack.

Yeah but Daisy was odd - really odd Big Grin
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by PinkBabe1966:
Strangely to me, it looks the other way round, to me Kate is the cold unfeeling one, and he is the mouthpiece because he knows if Kate became the mouthpiece, she would lose at lot of the public sympathy they have.

Apparently, the day before Madeleine disappeared, she had been crying and asking her parents why they had not come back as her and her brother had cried for them.. How could you then go and leave them? I'm not a parent, but if my niece or nephew were staying here and asked me not to leave them, I couldn't.

They should either give a complete account of what happened that night or go back to Portugal and do a reconstruction, even 2 years on, it may just jog somebody's memory.

Maybe they aren't good parents (who knows), but that doesn't make them killers and I don't think they are culpable.

they left little children in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country whilst they went to a party, it may not make them killers but they are most certainly culpable because a babysitter or one of them opting to miss the party and stay with their children may well have caused a different outcome.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
they left little children in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country whilst they went to a party, it may not make them killers but they are most certainly culpable because a babysitter or one of them opting to miss the party and stay with their children may well have caused a different outcome.

They will live with that guilt for the rest of their lives and might even lose the love of their remaining children when they are old enough to understand the implications, but I don't believe they had anything to do with her disappearance.
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
they left little children in an unlocked apartment in a foreign country whilst they went to a party, it may not make them killers but they are most certainly culpable because a babysitter or one of them opting to miss the party and stay with their children may well have caused a different outcome.

They will live with that guilt for the rest of their lives and might even lose the love of their remaining children when they are old enough to understand the implications, but I don't believe they had anything to do with her disappearance.

well like everyone else i have an opinion on their guilt or innocence but since its not based on any real facts its not worth airing in public, i do however believe that they are culpable even in part for child neglect, how many parents get prosicuted for abandoning their children even when nothing happens, surely that alone should have seen them in court?
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i dunno what to think tbh, cleary they should never have left those kids alone, and i can't really believe that got away with that tbh. but as far as actually killing her goes...who knows. but to supply leaflets like those is just sick.

i don't think it's sick if it makes people think, maybe it might lead to further investigation.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by Sunnie:

But he isn't, so maybe you should review all the other reasons for your suspicions?

I'm completely cool with that, you think he isn't, I think he is, but may I ask who you think IS paying him?

The fund they set up, I presume.

Why would the government be paying for it?

The McCanns have stated he is not being paid by the fund, their mortgage and living expenses and anything to help find Maddie covers that.

Mr Mitchell represented the Government for a month as the representative of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and then resigned a ÂĢ70,000 post to be their spokesman. His comment on his wage was he was being paid by a "generous financial backer who wishes to remain anonymous".

I don't believe that for a minute.
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i dunno what to think tbh, cleary they should never have left those kids alone, and i can't really believe that got away with that tbh. but as far as actually killing her goes...who knows. but to supply leaflets like those is just sick.

i don't think it's sick if it makes people think, maybe it might lead to further investigation.

As I understand it, the people behind the leaflets are calling for the case to be reopened; I can't understand why the McCanns wouldn't want that? Confused Unless they only want the case reopened on their terms, which throws up an awful lot of questions Ninja
I agree that Kate is by far the coldest of the two but Gerrys demeanour leaves a lot to be desired too.

Whatever happened in that apartment (and I do believe the McCanns know more than they are telling) wouldnt have happened if they had been responsible parents.

How many times do we see the "home alone" headlines where parents are arrested AND charged with neglect and rightly so...... of course most of these parents are not of the same social standing as the McCanns..... that is the thing that irks me the most... they are treated as some sort of celebrities when they should be treated with the contempt they deserve.
After all if they had put their childrens needs before their desire to have a good time Madeleline would be safe..... probably.
Originally posted by kazzy:
I agree that Kate is by far the coldest of the two but Gerrys demeanour leaves a lot to be desired too.

Whatever happened in that apartment (and I do believe the McCanns know more than they are telling) wouldnt have happened if they had been responsible parents.

How many times do we see the "home alone" headlines where parents are arrested AND charged with neglect and rightly so...... of course most of these parents are not of the same social standing as the McCanns..... that is the thing that irks me the most... they are treated as some sort of celebrities when they should be treated with the contempt they deserve.
After all if they had put their childrens needs before their desire to have a good time Madeleline would be safe..... probably.

Clapping well said Thumbs Up
Can we bear in mind the leaflets were dropped by The Madeleine Foundation ~ Combating Child Neglect ~ who are doing a sterling job trying to find out what really did happen to a wee girl whilst not asking members of the public to drop money in envelopes through the Mccanns door as Mr Mitchell has.
Here is an email taken fron their site from a journalist who acknowledges their is a media black out.

Here, totally unedited, is an e-mail received by Tony Bennett from a journalist. For obvious reasons, we cannot disclose her identity:

Thank you for the book. Which I have read with great interest. It is now in the hands of my colleagues who will all be reading it. We have been discussing your book this morning – it has certainly ‘opened a few eyes and minds’!

I would like to ask you a few further questions about the book at some point – hope that will be in order?

What is clear about this whole sorry mess is that a lot of the general public and a the majority of the ‘bread and butter’ journalists have very little, or no idea, of the further details of this case.

The McCann/Mitchell spin has done its job and produced a mass of misinformation and resulted in a whiter than white image for the McCanns. In fact, sad as it may be, it has almost been the perfect spin campaign – would not be surprised if in years to come it is not studied by Marketing and PR students!

At the end of July 08 I had a conversation with a major news organisation Editor about the case and was told in no uncertain terms that:-

They are in the clear.

With regard to Snr Amaral I was told:-

We’ve not made specific references to his allegations and will continue to take that approach.

Your new book would certainly open the eyes of a good many people – if it becomes possible to get it into the wider domain. The question is how to do that?

Are the McCanns getting twitchy with you over the book or are they just keeping tight-lipped because they know they have, they think, every press outlet tied down and under their control?

I presume both you and Snr Amaral are wanting the McCanns to take the bait and go through with legal action?

Only when they stand up in Court will the Press then have to report in a fair and balanced way. My belief is that one organisation or one journalist with clout will break ranks. What you are doing will hopefully show the way and speed up the process.
I've got into far too many rows on here in the past over the McCanns ...............I have never thought that they had anything to do with her dissappearance and still dont.

What really gets me is why nasty, vindictive people are posting horrible stuff about them in villagers letter boxes ....what is their to be gained? The McCanns have no choice but to go on and try and live their lives ...................intefering malicious gossip mongers should do the same. There was nothing to be gained from their actions ....sheer malice IMO.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
i dunno what to think tbh, cleary they should never have left those kids alone, and i can't really believe that got away with that tbh. but as far as actually killing her goes...who knows. but to supply leaflets like those is just sick.

i don't think it's sick if it makes people think, maybe it might lead to further investigation.

yeah but there is making people think and there is accusing someone of killing their own child.

whilst i do not feel they are entirely innocent i really dont) to just accuse them of murder or manslaughter, and spread the rumours, is just not on. to spread leaflets telling people that parents have killed their child,when it has not been proven either wy, is sick imo.

losing a kid is bad enough without that bollocks to deal with too.
Originally posted by Kaytee:
My opinion has no real basis in fact so I'll keep it to myself, but,,,
The McCanns were guilty of leaving their small children alone while they dined with friends.
Would a single mum from a council estate have got the same treatment as they did, had this hypothetical mother left her kids to go out?

Yes and that has been gone over and over again. Why are people still putting out such hatred? they have been investigated and I'm pretty damn sure that if there had even been a smidgeon of hartd evidence the Portuguese Police would have had their day in court.

There wasn't ............why can't people let them get on with their lives? They have lost a daughter and I'm sure not a day goes by without them crucifying themselves over the fact that they left her.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I've got into far too many rows on here in the past over the McCanns ...............I have never thought that they had anything to do with her dissappearance and still dont.

What really gets me is why nasty, vindictive people are posting horrible stuff about them in villagers letter boxes ....what is their to be gained? The McCanns have no choice but to go on and try and live their lives ...................intefering malicious gossip mongers should do the same. There was nothing to be gained from their actions ....sheer malice IMO.

yeah lets leave the poor mccaans in peace to get on with their lives, lets not let anyone look further into the case, after all it's only a missing/murdered little girl.
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I've got into far too many rows on here in the past over the McCanns ...............I have never thought that they had anything to do with her dissappearance and still dont.

What really gets me is why nasty, vindictive people are posting horrible stuff about them in villagers letter boxes ....what is their to be gained? The McCanns have no choice but to go on and try and live their lives ...................intefering malicious gossip mongers should do the same. There was nothing to be gained from their actions ....sheer malice IMO.

yeah lets leave the poor mccaans in peace to get on with their lives, lets not let anyone look further into the case, after all it's only a missing/murdered little girl.

I feel that if the Portugese Police had enough to charge them, they would have done. As they didn't, I assume them to be innocent of involvement.
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
I've got into far too many rows on here in the past over the McCanns ...............I have never thought that they had anything to do with her dissappearance and still dont.

What really gets me is why nasty, vindictive people are posting horrible stuff about them in villagers letter boxes ....what is their to be gained? The McCanns have no choice but to go on and try and live their lives ...................intefering malicious gossip mongers should do the same. There was nothing to be gained from their actions ....sheer malice IMO.

yeah lets leave the poor mccaans in peace to get on with their lives, lets not let anyone look further into the case, after all it's only a missing/murdered little girl.

I feel that if the Portugese Police had enough to charge them, they would have done. As they didn't, I assume them to be innocent of involvement.

the second they took the decision to leave those kid unsupervised was when they became involved.
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
the second they took the decision to leave those kid unsupervised was when they became involved.

We're talking about their possible hand in her disappearance, not the well established fact that they left them in the apartement.

well we are talking the same thing then, if she hadn't been left alone then she wouldn't have "disapeared"
agree to disagree a n all thatSmiler
at first i thought they were guilty-then i changed my mind and thought the portugese (sp) were crap and didnt do all they could and the McCanns were innocent
then all this 'wall of silence' from their mates came up-and i thought maybe they DID have something to do with her going missing
then that DNA in the boot came to light and i thought 'case solved'
then that was discounted, and i thought they were innocent
but now i dont know what to believe
all i know is they shouldnt have left 3 babies on there own-regardless of HOW near they were and they could see the room from where they sat Shake Head
im officially confused and wouldnt like to make a judgement on their guilt/innocence
cos i wasnt there and dont know the full facts-only the ones that the McCanns have told us
if you asked me if i trust them..i'd have to say 'no'
Originally posted by charmer:

all i know is they shouldnt have left 3 babies on there own-regardless of HOW near they were and they could see the room from where they sat Shake Head

which begs the question: if they could see the room from where they were sitting, how did they miss the intruder climbing in through the window? Ninja
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by charmer:

all i know is they shouldnt have left 3 babies on there own-regardless of HOW near they were and they could see the room from where they sat Shake Head

which begs the question: if they could see the room from where they were sitting, how did they miss the intruder climbing in through the window? Ninja

easy answer-too busy on the piss
Originally posted by Cherish:
I have always thought they were innocent

If these people are so sure the McCanns are responsible then why didn't they speak up sooner about what it is that they know Confused why wait all this time ? doesn't make any sense.

its complicated isnt it?
but the McCanns and their mates have made it more complex than it shouda been
i really dont know what to make of it
People have spoken out against the McCanns before. Many times. Each and every one of them branded heartless and cruel.

Why have they never publicly admitted some blame? Have they ever stood in front of the public and said "we are sooo sorry for neglecting our children in favour of our own enjoyment"? I think people would have a bit more compassion for them if they did this. To me they seem emotionless about the whole thing unless it's for the cameras.
Originally posted by Cherish:
I have always thought they were innocent

If these people are so sure the McCanns are responsible then why didn't they speak up sooner about what it is that they know Confused why wait all this time ? doesn't make any sense.

The reason this all kicked off again is because the Portugese case files weren't made public til February/March this year.
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by charmer:

all i know is they shouldnt have left 3 babies on there own-regardless of HOW near they were and they could see the room from where they sat Shake Head

which begs the question: if they could see the room from where they were sitting, how did they miss the intruder climbing in through the window? Ninja

They couldn't see any part of the room from the Tapas Bar.
Originally posted by Sunnie:
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by charmer:

all i know is they shouldnt have left 3 babies on there own-regardless of HOW near they were and they could see the room from where they sat Shake Head

which begs the question: if they could see the room from where they were sitting, how did they miss the intruder climbing in through the window? Ninja

They couldn't see any part of the room from the Tapas Bar.

didn't they say they had a 'clear line of sight' from the bar to the room?

I can't understand why they didn't take the kids with them; it's not frowned upon out here like it is in Britain, kids go to the bar with their parents until late, it's part of the culture.

Selfish people
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by Sunnie:
Originally posted by jelly vodkafish:
Originally posted by charmer:

all i know is they shouldnt have left 3 babies on there own-regardless of HOW near they were and they could see the room from where they sat Shake Head

which begs the question: if they could see the room from where they were sitting, how did they miss the intruder climbing in through the window? Ninja

They couldn't see any part of the room from the Tapas Bar.

didn't they say they had a 'clear line of sight' from the bar to the room?

I can't understand why they didn't take the kids with them; it's not frowned upon out here like it is in Britain, kids go to the bar with their parents until late, it's part of the culture.

Selfish people

It was reported at the time that they wanted some adult time. Then they said that the intruder must have been watching them to know when the kids were alone. To me that says they left them every night.

Like you said...selfish people
Originally posted by charmer:
at first i thought they were guilty-then i changed my mind and thought the portugese (sp) were crap and didnt do all they could and the McCanns were innocent
then all this 'wall of silence' from their mates came up-and i thought maybe they DID have something to do with her going missing
then that DNA in the boot came to light and i thought 'case solved'
then that was discounted, and i thought they were innocent
but now i dont know what to believe
all i know is they shouldnt have left 3 babies on there own-regardless of HOW near they were and they could see the room from where they sat Shake Head
im officially confused and wouldnt like to make a judgement on their guilt/innocence
cos i wasnt there and dont know the full facts-only the ones that the McCanns have told us
if you asked me if i trust them..i'd have to say 'no'

pretty much my take on things.
Originally posted by Cagney:
It was reported at the time that they wanted some adult time. Then they said that the intruder must have been watching them to know when the kids were alone. To me that says they left them every night.

Like you said...selfish people

I think it's pretty much accepted that they had done this night after night laying down a pattern. Personally I can really see appeal of having time away from the kids, but then I'm not a parent...
Originally posted by Sir HP:
Originally posted by Cagney:
It was reported at the time that they wanted some adult time. Then they said that the intruder must have been watching them to know when the kids were alone. To me that says they left them every night.

Like you said...selfish people

I think it's pretty much accepted that they had done this night after night laying down a pattern. Personally I can really see appeal of having time away from the kids, but then I'm not a parent...

Believe me the thought of adult time is appealing to any parent Big Grin

Not being stupid like that though. That was an uneccessary risk they took.

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