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It did me the 1st time I saw it, I was so angry and upset I ended up being snappy on here with someone who really didn't deserve it. I can't even watch it again...I'll just get angry and feel sick all over again.
 thank you Leccy.

I'm not that religious... but I've known people who were really ill, who got such strength and comfort from a genuine faith.
It did me the 1st time I saw it, I was so angry and upset I ended up being snappy on here with someone who really didn't deserve it.  I can't even watch it again...I'll just get angry and feel sick all over again.

He's an idiot Leccy, a fraud and hope it never happens to his and is own, because if so he would realise what a complete and utter tosser he his.
This video is proof, if any was needed, that Dave is not a man of God, but merely someone who gets a kick out of pretending to be one. No authentic Christian would ever dream of doing what he does in this video.

There are warnings in the Bible about such people. For instance this is from Matthew chapter 7 verses 15 and 16.
"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits" (fruits being their actions speaking louder than their words).
El Loro
I thought this comment from the page where the video was sums it up quite well but not as well as El Loro's comments above,  If we can learn one thing from Dave it is this, anyone can say that they are a Christian and are spreading the word of God but you know inside yourself when something is plain wrong and this guy is a wrong 'un.  How many more gullible people have been taken in by him though?

Despicable fraud. Nothing more than a sick cultïŧŋïŧŋ lead by a con man.

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