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Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Noirin obviously was lying again and it touched a nerve, but what business is it of Beas yet again poking her nose in which Siavash has probably told her to leave it.

It disturbed the whole house, they're in there together and it concerns them all. IMHO, she's entitled to comment on it and question Noirin's morals. Smiler

Yes, the whole house is disturbed so why not upset it some more Bea. And if it's moral question time then Siavash should be held accountable for either cheating on his girlfriend or telling a lie about having a girlfriend.

Absolutely, but in this instance Bea is talking about Noirin's conduct. Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Noirin obviously was lying again and it touched a nerve, but what business is it of Beas yet again poking her nose in which Siavash has probably told her to leave it.

It disturbed the whole house, they're in there together and it concerns them all. IMHO, she's entitled to comment on it and question Noirin's morals. Smiler

Yes, the whole house is disturbed so why not upset it some more Bea. And if it's moral question time then Siavash should be held accountable for either cheating on his girlfriend or telling a lie about having a girlfriend.

Big Grin If siavash hadnt preferred noirin, bea would have been on him quicker than a rat up a or no gf....bea has selective morals. Never a good hand when you're playing indignation. Big Grin
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Noirin obviously was lying again and it touched a nerve, but what business is it of Beas yet again poking her nose in which Siavash has probably told her to leave it.

It disturbed the whole house, they're in there together and it concerns them all. IMHO, she's entitled to comment on it and question Noirin's morals. Smiler

Yes, the whole house is disturbed so why not upset it some more Bea. And if it's moral question time then Siavash should be held accountable for either cheating on his girlfriend or telling a lie about having a girlfriend.

His most recent lie was that he didn't have a girlfriend and he only said he had one because he didn't want a relationship in the house.

You don't seem to appreciate that none of this "disturbance" had been communicated to Noirin. Bea did not want Noiring and her ape man controller to be labouring under the misapprehension that everything was fine.
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by Scotty:
They both lost it. Bea sailed through again. Laugh

She is deadly isn't she?

She is the equivalent of a stealth bomber, before you know what is happening you are being beaten about by forces you don't quite understand and can't attack back.

Well you can try but you end up self destructing. Like they did.
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Noirin obviously was lying again and it touched a nerve, but what business is it of Beas yet again poking her nose in which Siavash has probably told her to leave it.

It disturbed the whole house, they're in there together and it concerns them all. IMHO, she's entitled to comment on it and question Noirin's morals. Smiler

Yes, the whole house is disturbed so why not upset it some more Bea. And if it's moral question time then Siavash should be held accountable for either cheating on his girlfriend or telling a lie about having a girlfriend.

Absolutely, but in this instance Bea is talking about Noirin's conduct. Smiler

Well, IMO neither of then have to justify diddly to Bea.
Originally posted by fz:
Originally posted by suzybean:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Noirin obviously was lying again and it touched a nerve, but what business is it of Beas yet again poking her nose in which Siavash has probably told her to leave it.

It disturbed the whole house, they're in there together and it concerns them all. IMHO, she's entitled to comment on it and question Noirin's morals. Smiler

Yes, the whole house is disturbed so why not upset it some more Bea. And if it's moral question time then Siavash should be held accountable for either cheating on his girlfriend or telling a lie about having a girlfriend.

Big Grin If siavash hadnt preferred noirin, bea would have been on him quicker than a rat up a or no gf....bea has selective morals. Never a good hand when you're playing indignation. Big Grin

I'm moving towards that conclusion.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Flossie:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Noirin obviously was lying again and it touched a nerve, but what business is it of Beas yet again poking her nose in which Siavash has probably told her to leave it.

Bea has been personally affected by Noirin's behaviour, so has the group, so have people she is concerned about. She is perfectly entitled to make Noirin aware of what she has done, otherwise without critical comment Noirin will think she has behaved perfectly and her behaviour has been endorsed by the group.

Well done Bea!

Maybe Bea should let Noirin hear her opinion that is fine, but she then begins to talk as if she's speaking on behalf of Siavash she obviously fancies him thats why she said those things by the bus stop thing.

Well now you are speculating, but either way whether she fancies him or not, she is entitled to communicate to Noirin the distress she has caused to the whole house because no one else has.
Originally posted by Flossie:
*feels better*

I am sorry but every one of those participle mistakes makes me think Lisa has made it onto the forum.

Never in BB history has someone abused the English language so much. No wonder she can't get a job.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Flossie Laugh BTW p2 should that be and so have the group?
Originally posted by cologne1:

I noticed flossie didn't reply to you pointing out HIS grammatical mistake. Big Grin It would be nice for some threads not to descend into teacher/pupil territory. Thanks flossie. Smiler

On the other thread? He posted a Red Face
I'm not the spelling or grammar police and sure I make mistakes aplenty, but jeez if you're going to set yourself up as that, then best not make mistakes yourself Laugh
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Flossie:
*feels better*

I am sorry but every one of those participle mistakes makes me think Lisa has made it onto the forum.

Never in BB history has someone abused the English language so much. No wonder she can't get a job.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Flossie Laugh BTW p2 should that be and so have the group?

Well actually that is an interesting grammatical point. Sometimes one uses the plural and sometimes the singular, in my case I think used the correct form, but one could argue otherwise.

I see Isaac is as selfish as Noirin. He turned it into all about him "oh im out of here" he says sarcastically. No Isaac its the other guy you know the one she shat all over? We all know you are cool with everything that happened.

I so want to see Noirin put into a room with Siavash's ex girlfriend and see her try and put all the blame onto Siavash then Big Grin.

Also it is the business of all the housemates when you have a destructive force line Noirin in the house. Until she is no longer in there.
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Noirin obviously was lying again and it touched a nerve, but what business is it of Beas yet again poking her nose in which Siavash has probably told her to leave it.

Bea is being upfront and saying what others haven't had the guts to say. Yet they are more than happy to talk behind Noirin's back.

Noirin needs to hear it. Once she's gone, Bea will turn her attention on somebody else. In the meantime Siavash is embarrased and would get over it and would probably appreciate her for sticking up for him...that's if he doesn't vote for her instead next week. Big Grin
Eye have a spelling checker, it came with my pea sea
It plainly marks four my revue miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word and weight for it to say
Weather eye yam wrong oar write, it shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid it nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it I'm shore your pleased to no
Its letter perfect awl the way, my checker told me sew.

its quite astounding how amazingly gobby Noirin is now that her idiot boyfriend is in there. The TRUE Noirin surfaces - user with attitude.
I wish her bliddy boyfriend would shut his face too - who the hell does he think he is, calling the shots after a measly few hours in the place - tosser!!!! He's obviously watched more than ONE episode of BB too - feckin liar Mad
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
I see Isaac is as selfish as Noirin. He turned it into all about him "oh im out of here" he says sarcastically. No Isaac its the other guy you know the one she shat all over? We all know you are cool with everything that happened.

I so want to see Noirin put into a room with Siavash's ex girlfriend and see her try and put all the blame onto Siavash then Big Grin.

Also it is the business of all the housemates when you have a destructive force line Noirin in the house. Until she is no longer in there.

Excellent post captain.
Originally posted by BARMY BRUMMIE:
its quite astounding how amazingly gobby Noirin is now that her idiot boyfriend is in there. The TRUE Noirin surfaces - user with attitude.
I wish her bliddy boyfriend would shut his face too - who the hell does he think he is, calling the shots after a measly few hours in the place - tosser!!!! He's obviously watched more than ONE episode of BB too - feckin liar Mad

I agree, and I hope he walks out tonight when Noirin is evicted. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Flossie:

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Flossie Laugh BTW p2 should that be and so have the group?

Well actually that is an interesting grammatical point. Sometimes one uses the plural and sometimes the singular, in my case I think used the correct form, but one could argue otherwise.

One could, if one didn't have better things to do and would prefer not to be a forum smart arse Laugh
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
Eye have a spelling checker, it came with my pea sea
It plainly marks four my revue miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word and weight for it to say
Weather eye yam wrong oar write, it shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid it nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it I'm shore your pleased to no
Its letter perfect awl the way, my checker told me sew.


Laugh wavey
Originally posted by CaptVimes:
I see Isaac is as selfish as Noirin. He turned it into all about him "oh im out of here" he says sarcastically. No Isaac its the other guy you know the one she shat all over? We all know you are cool with everything that happened.

I so want to see Noirin put into a room with Siavash's ex girlfriend and see her try and put all the blame onto Siavash then Big Grin.

Also it is the business of all the housemates when you have a destructive force line Noirin in the house. Until she is no longer in there.

cologne 1
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Flossie:

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone Flossie Laugh BTW p2 should that be and so have the group?

Well actually that is an interesting grammatical point. Sometimes one uses the plural and sometimes the singular, in my case I think used the correct form, but one could argue otherwise.

One could, if one didn't have better things to do and would prefer not to be a forum smart arse Laugh

I bet you have the forum's best-dressed bottom.
Noirin was the one who was repeatedly asking for Bea's advice a week ago.

It's a shared BB House, not Noirin's & Billy-Bob's own private residence Roll Eyes Therefore her HMs are bound to be affected by the stunts she pulls, and have every right to question her actions.

How come Bea didn't think to spell these things out to the mardy beeacth Confused

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