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This year I've supported Sam, Corin and John M. Anything but dull. I don't know much about this Victor bloke except he's walked in, done nothing, and you're all over him based on what he did years ago. Takes all sorts I suppose.
Victor has been brilliant in the bedsit so far...i've given you reasons why he's stil got the magic.
(And I would appreciate if you could do as you're told. Ta
Blessed are those who have not seen and still believe. I believe that's that the Christian nonsense version of it. I have not seen and believe none of it. He must do something incredibly interesting immediately or be considered dull for evermore. And no I won't do what I'm told when have I ever? 
Victor says to Michelle:
"I don't fink me and Preston are going to gel......I don't fink we are going to gel......He's so dry,  and just   err,aaagg,uuuggheeeuurr(meaningless sounds)......Noffin against the guy.... I will force myself to try and chat to him...... I don't fink I wanna work 'im out.......I hope I'm wrong."
Well how ungenerous and closed-minded is that?
"Noffin against the guy"  - doesn't sound like it to me.
"I will force myself to try and chat to him."  - how very big hearted I'm sure.

With no clear and valid reason Victor obviously dislikes Preston. Then extremely magnanimously says he will force himself to try and chat to him.  How mealy-mouthed!
He should have been booted out along with Emma, always thought that was unfair that she got the heave ho and they left him in

I agree Fairfax.  Jason should have gone as well.  Victor hasn't even gone into the house yet and is playing all nicey nicey with Michelle.  I'd say he's fuming that Coolio is gone because he was watching him intently last night and didn't like what he was seeing.
Maybe without the influence of Jason he might not be as intimidating or aggressive.

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