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Victor always suffered from his overly close relationship with the appalling Jason, and I hoped that cast free of Jason's gurning and devious machinations he would spring free and become the sort of person he could be, witty, erudite, charming, thoughtful and friendly.

Enter Victor: A fresh sheet.  A new story to be told. Perhaps he could even win if he is as nice as I thought he could have been.

Looks like the same old clothes but they do not maketh the man so look closer.  Under the hat we have the baldness - was he always so hairless?  I do not recall.  But apart from the vanity of wearing a hat to mask his shiny pate, that is acceptable.  Some very nice people are bald apparently although I don't meet many - perhaps when I get older

But of the man? 
Nice bloke? Don't think so.
Grudge bearer?   Definitely.
An achiever since BB?  Nope.
Devious and cunning without the influence of the grimacer?  I think so.
Backstabber?  Without a doubt.
Winner? NFC.
Loser? Two times at least.

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I felt there should and could have been more from him. He was very nice to Miss Bass in the slum but I think he is the same sh*t, just a different day. Fitting in well as you say
It was indeed his consideration to her in the bedsit that made me see a different side to him, he went out his way to make her feel as better as quick as possible.
Ev (Peachy)
Jones online 434 Forum Posts Today at 7:40 PM Last Edited: I remember being gutted when he got evicted the first time (BB5) ...... something to do with him calling shell jubin a *cnut* if I remember rightly. From what I've seen so far, he's no great shakes. I've yet to see footage of him in the house this time around .... I've had a busy weekend I'll be catching up tonight.
Unfortunately, that was his downfall as he could have won it.  He allowed her to push and push his buttons and then lost it
In BB5, Victor tried very hard to conform to a gangster stereotype, but was useless at it. although quite aggressive to the other HMs. I couldn't stand him.

When he entered the house this time. his appearance hadn't changed much, but his attitude seemed different. He was OK in the Bedsit, even funny and got on well with Michelle(whose waterworks I don't understand)

Victor took exception to the words Brian used to describe him. although they were a pretty accurate description of the Victor we saw in BB5. Does this warrant dislike at this point....I don't think so, I'll wait and see
I remember being gutted when he got evicted the first time (BB5) ...... something to do with him calling shell jubin a *cnut* if I remember rightly. From what I've seen so far, he's no great shakes. I've yet to see footage of him in the house this time around .... I've had a busy weekend I'll be catching up tonight.
Not sure why he got to stay when Emma got the boot.  I guess being a bloke means you get the benefit of the doubt as usual.
Aardvark offline 7 Forum Posts Today at 7:44 PM Last Edited: Reference: I remember being gutted when he got evicted the first time (BB5) ...... something to do with him calling shell jubin a *cnut* if I remember rightly. From what I've seen so far, he's no great shakes. I've yet to see footage of him in the house this time around .... I've had a busy weekend I'll be catching up tonight. Not sure why he got to stay when Emma got the boot. I guess being a bloke means you get the benefit of the doubt as usual.
Emma went because of her racist comments to him during fight night (amongst other things).  She should have been thrown out there and then, but it was days later I believe before BB threw her out.  She was a vile person.
Emma went because of her racist comments to him during fight night (amongst other things). She should have been thrown out there and then, but it was days later I believe before BB threw her out. She was a vile person.
I liked her.  She was a cheerful girl who stood up for herself in the face of prolonged abuse from men.  I didn't like him then but I gave him a chance this time.  I never heard any racist comments then but his threatened violence to more than one woman in that house was totally unnacceptable to me. 
Anyway I think it is sad when imminent violence is less important than name calling.  It is a pity that there are so many apologists for such thuggish behaviour.  Perhaps a few more women on the BB top management team might help.

Brian's comments were a fair description of Victor's own previous self-publicity.  He took exception to them because it pricked the protective 'nice guy' bubble he was wrapping himself with.
what i don't get about victor is he seems to be playing this exactly the same as he did before......trying to form an alliance to 'get to the final' didn't work last time and it won't work now........he should remember he came 7th or was nowhere near winning bb5 with that plan
it's all very well blaming shell and saying 'she pushed his buttons and he lost it'.......he'd been playing mr nasty with her all day of the wedding task.......telling her he had something to say to her and when asked what it was refusing to tell had to be when he wanted to .....he built up the drama and she couldn't take it and let fly....and he couldn't handle it and went off on one.......that's entirely his fault not hers......had he not been such a knob with all his 'when i want you to know you'll know' hardman shite she'd of never of had a go at him.............his plan backfired spectacularly on him
Never liked him in BB5,  I thought I was going to like him a little better in this one...but no. Loser last time and still is a loser, he had to start his jungle cat talk with boring Nick at the first opportunity, he obviously couldn't win last time on his own merits and looks like he can't this time.
Plus Dame Ann - he is a baldylocks and a baldylocks never wins
Craig Phillips
Brian Dowling
Kate Lawler
Cameron Stout
Nadia Almada
Anthony Hutton
Pete Bennett
Brian Belo
Rachel Rice
Sophie Reade
Josie Gibson

Jack Dee
Mark Owen
Chantelle Houghton
Shilpa Shetty
Ulrika Jonsson
Alex Reid 

No baldies there - although Mr Belo was sailing a bit close to the wind.

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