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Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I'm glad His wife got her fingers burned - sweet revenge backfired

I wanted them burned a bit more They will both probably only do about 3 months!!!

Former Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has been  jailed for eight months today for asking his ex-wife Vicky Pryce to take his  speeding points on March 12, 2003.

The disgraced Lib Dem is likely to spend the  night in Wandsworth Prison, south-west London, after he admitted perverting the  course of justice following a last-minute plea change a month ago.

The 58-year-old was a man 'laid bare' who would 'cling-on to the support of his partner, friends and the hope of a  reconciliation with his children,' his barrister said before he was jailed,  adding: 'Nobody  has ever lost more from such a small offence'.

His ex-wife, 60, who stood in the dock next  to him for three hours this afternoon but refused to speak to him, was also  jailed for eight months.    

Those in the court said that the warring  former couple had both looked on the verge of tears and Pryce was handed a  packet of tissues as she was sentenced.

Both will be released automatically after  serving four months.


Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I'm glad His wife got her fingers burned - sweet revenge backfired

I wanted them burned a bit more They will both probably only do about 3 months!!!

Former Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has been  jailed for eight months today for asking his ex-wife Vicky Pryce to take his  speeding points on March 12, 2003.

The disgraced Lib Dem is likely to spend the  night in Wandsworth Prison, south-west London, after he admitted perverting the  course of justice following a last-minute plea change a month ago.

The 58-year-old was a man 'laid bare' who would 'cling-on to the support of his partner, friends and the hope of a  reconciliation with his children,' his barrister said before he was jailed,  adding: 'Nobody  has ever lost more from such a small offence'.

His ex-wife, 60, who stood in the dock next  to him for three hours this afternoon but refused to speak to him, was also  jailed for eight months.    

Those in the court said that the warring  former couple had both looked on the verge of tears and Pryce was handed a  packet of tissues as she was sentenced.

Both will be released automatically after  serving four months.


Oh least they get some jail time...

Originally Posted by Saint:

Both lied for 8years so 8months seems light in comparison.

The BBC news says they will probably only serve half of their their sentences and after 6 weeks in a *lock-up* jail will be allowed into an open prison to serve the rest of their sentences. So much *perverting the course of justice attacking the fabric out judicial system* 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Own goal.

Yup! And against a 'side' in  a completely different league. Whilst my sympathies do lie with her, she had no chance, if she was really that hell bent on revenge, she'd have been better off sewing sea filth into the linings of his curtains!  


Cos he's an arrogant, manipulative, self important shit!

Actually, the thing I'm most interested in is: how much has this minor crime and its associated court processes cost us hard working tax payers? 

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Own goal.

Yup! And against a 'side' in  a completely different league. Whilst my sympathies do lie with her, she had no chance, if she was really that hell bent on revenge, she'd have been better off sewing sea filth into the linings of his curtains!  


Cos he's an arrogant, manipulative, self important shit!

Actually, the thing I'm most interested in is: how much has this minor crime and its associated court processes cost us hard working tax payers? 

But I dont think she was as manipulated as she said she was. Just an opinion.

And a  fortune I would guess.

Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Supes:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Own goal.

Yup! And against a 'side' in  a completely different league. Whilst my sympathies do lie with her, she had no chance, if she was really that hell bent on revenge, she'd have been better off sewing sea filth into the linings of his curtains!  


Cos he's an arrogant, manipulative, self important shit!

Actually, the thing I'm most interested in is: how much has this minor crime and its associated court processes cost us hard working tax payers? 

 And to me that's the main point.

Originally Posted by Supes:

Cos he's an arrogant, manipulative, self important shit!

Actually, the thing I'm most interested in is: how much has this minor crime and its associated court processes cost us hard working tax payers? 


No one seems to have a good word for him...IMO I think he was a control freak and if he was, I can personally understand why she felt intimidated enough to take the points. My sympathies lie with her more than him, he cost the courts 79 thousand pounds for continually denying it, but the judge summing up called her manipulative  Maybe she was, but he was a proven liar and committed the original offence and got the same sentence 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Cos he's an arrogant, manipulative, self important shit!

Actually, the thing I'm most interested in is: how much has this minor crime and its associated court processes cost us hard working tax payers? 


No one seems to have a good word for him...IMO I think he was a control freak and if he was, I can personally understand why she felt intimidated enough to take the points. My sympathies lie with her more than him, he cost the courts 79 thousand pounds for continually denying it, but the judge summing up called her manipulative  Maybe she was, but he was a proven liar and committed the original offence and got the same sentence 

I think they both got prison for 'perverting the course of justice' as much as anything Dame.

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Supes:

Cos he's an arrogant, manipulative, self important shit!

Actually, the thing I'm most interested in is: how much has this minor crime and its associated court processes cost us hard working tax payers? 


No one seems to have a good word for him...IMO I think he was a control freak and if he was, I can personally understand why she felt intimidated enough to take the points. My sympathies lie with her more than him, he cost the courts 79 thousand pounds for continually denying it, but the judge summing up called her manipulative  Maybe she was, but he was a proven liar and committed the original offence and got the same sentence 

I think they both got prison for 'perverting the course of justice' as much as anything Dame.

Exactly right moonie.  If that basic commitment to justice is ever ignored, to what ever degree, it must be quashed heavily by the judicial system. Hence they both deserve their punishments, however nice/deranged/middle class they are! 


I think they should have got 8 months of community service. Doing a menial job for nothing would bite them more than an open prison and a tag after 12 weeks as well as Joe Public having the satisfaction of them having to knuckle down and get some understanding of the hoi polloi. The arrogance of both of them is quite staggering. When I heard she had put this in her book I wondered why she wasn't worried about prison. They both beggar belief.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I think they should have got 8 months of community service. Doing a menial job for nothing would bite them more than an open prison and a tag after 12 weeks as well as Joe Public having the satisfaction of them having to knuckle down and get some understanding of the hoi polloi. The arrogance of both of them is quite staggering. When I heard she had put this in her book I wondered why she wasn't worried about prison. They both beggar belief.

i agree with that cologne - waste of money putting anyone in prison for that sort of offence, and as has been pointed out, there's been quite enough money wasted on their trials.   


I thought the sentences were quite harsh.  I think it is probably quite common for partners to take points if their partner might lose their job and livelihood.


I've no sympathy for Chris Huhne but his wife perverted the course of justice to help her husband. 


A year ago, Chris Huhne might have fancied his chances at leading the Lib Dems and going up against vacuous Cleggy. Now Huhne's finished.  Can't say I really care who leads the yellow Tories - but what a comedown - all the same! 


Going to prison at their time in life has got to be a kick in the teeth.

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I think they should have got 8 months of community service. Doing a menial job for nothing would bite them more than an open prison and a tag after 12 weeks as well as Joe Public having the satisfaction of them having to knuckle down and get some understanding of the hoi polloi. The arrogance of both of them is quite staggering. When I heard she had put this in her book I wondered why she wasn't worried about prison. They both beggar belief.

They don't really need any understanding of the hoi polloi, as neither are going to be anywhere near politics unless they stand for UKIP, where being a clueless idiot is a career plus.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Before going to sleep in their cells tonight I wonder how much regret they had about where and what their actions have led them to.

I do wonder what was going through their heads as they 'snuggled' down under the itchy, coarse, grey blanket and lay their head on a pillow of stone


Ooooooooh I feel a book coming on -some great plot ideas in amongst all that

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Before going to sleep in their cells tonight I wonder how much regret they had about where and what their actions have led them to.

I do wonder what was going through their heads as they 'snuggled' down under the itchy, coarse, grey blanket and lay their head on a pillow of stone


Ooooooooh I feel a book coming on -some great plot ideas in amongst all that

With the proceeds going into the public coffers for the cost of their trials?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Before going to sleep in their cells tonight I wonder how much regret they had about where and what their actions have led them to.

I do wonder what was going through their heads as they 'snuggled' down under the itchy, coarse, grey blanket and lay their head on a pillow of stone


Ooooooooh I feel a book coming on -some great plot ideas in amongst all that

With the proceeds going into the public coffers for the cost of their trials?

Nooooooooooooooo - I'm scribbling down my ideas in my notebook now!!!! I'll write it!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Before going to sleep in their cells tonight I wonder how much regret they had about where and what their actions have led them to.

I do wonder what was going through their heads as they 'snuggled' down under the itchy, coarse, grey blanket and lay their head on a pillow of stone


Ooooooooh I feel a book coming on -some great plot ideas in amongst all that

With the proceeds going into the public coffers for the cost of their trials?

Nooooooooooooooo - I'm scribbling down my ideas in my notebook now!!!! I'll write it!

Hmmm, are you gonna give your royalties to the public coffers then? 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Before going to sleep in their cells tonight I wonder how much regret they had about where and what their actions have led them to.

I do wonder what was going through their heads as they 'snuggled' down under the itchy, coarse, grey blanket and lay their head on a pillow of stone


Ooooooooh I feel a book coming on -some great plot ideas in amongst all that

With the proceeds going into the public coffers for the cost of their trials?

Nooooooooooooooo - I'm scribbling down my ideas in my notebook now!!!! I'll write it!

Hmmm, are you gonna give your royalties to the public coffers then? 

Now why on earth would I do that??

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

Before going to sleep in their cells tonight I wonder how much regret they had about where and what their actions have led them to.

I do wonder what was going through their heads as they 'snuggled' down under the itchy, coarse, grey blanket and lay their head on a pillow of stone


Ooooooooh I feel a book coming on -some great plot ideas in amongst all that

With the proceeds going into the public coffers for the cost of their trials?

Nooooooooooooooo - I'm scribbling down my ideas in my notebook now!!!! I'll write it!

Hmmm, are you gonna give your royalties to the public coffers then? 

Now why on earth would I do that??

Out of good will? 


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