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Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by stonks:


I'm on an animal ban at the moment by himself....though he's also put me on a loo roll and conditioner ban aswell but he does'nt know I have 10 bottles of conditioner and about 78 loo rolls hidden in the loft, I also have enough Pharmetons and painkillers to stock a small Chemist hidden in my wardrobe..

There is a disturbing similarity in our lives 


I'm on an animal ban too (we only have 1 dog & 1 cat..   plus the chickens that don't belong to me but I look after, fgs)


loo rolls - hahahahaha - always a touchy subject in this house!   and I have bags of them secreted away in secret locations (this is cos the boy is a nightmare with his loo roll usage)


Hair conditioner - I have been banned in the past - I am doing ok at the moment though.     I can see a nail product ban looming on the distant horizon!

Shhhh never mention boys of a certain age loo roll usage..


I have 3 cats, 1 dog and 5 Koi and no chickens left....oh I mind a wonkey..


its Boots the chemist's fault with all their conditioner offers..I've give up on the nail stuff....

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

if you mean crisps and not chips   Aldi do a selection of these flavoured crisps or did   will have a look next time I am in

Yes MrsH, they were the crisps I had. Can't say I have an Aldi near me, but my mum does.

Tesco have these on offer at the moment ÂĢ2.99 down to ÂĢ2

Tyrrells Natural Beetroot, Parsnip & Carrot Chips - Lightly Sea Salted (150g)


They look great MrsH. 

I have to nip out shopping at the weekend and Tesco is near me.

Can see me relaxing now with a bag of those and a cold shandy in front of the box.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

They look great MrsH. 

I have to nip out shopping at the weekend and Tesco is near me.

Can see me relaxing now with a bag of those and a cold shandy in front of the box.


I tried the Aldi ones but wasnt keen   I am a McCoy fan 


if Aldi still do them I will report back and you can ask your Mum to supply 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

They look great MrsH. 

I have to nip out shopping at the weekend and Tesco is near me.

Can see me relaxing now with a bag of those and a cold shandy in front of the box.


I tried the Aldi ones but wasnt keen   I am a McCoy fan 


if Aldi still do them I will report back and you can ask your Mum to supply 


I'm thinking try the Tesco's.

As you say, if the Aldi ones prove to be any god I can get my Mum to pick  a bag up.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I ate it by accident as a child passing through somewhere in France.

It had to be horse - it was nothing like anything i have tasted before or since.

Twas gorgeous!!

However i have now seen the light and am vegetarian

Good for you Saint, I hope to have the willpower for that one day I eat chicken and fish, never red meat and would never knowingly eat horse, the thought of it makes me feel nauseous


I tried being a vegetarian for a number of years, but then lapsed back into fish and poultry. I rarely eat red meat, but don't turn it down if offered (I sometimes eat at my Mum's and if she does a chili con carne then I feel it polite to eat it). But in the main it's just fish and poultry for me.

Some years ago I suddenly became interested in nutrition and did loads of research, it was extremely eye opening and led me to make many changes. One of many things I learnt about was red meat and how coarse it is and that the body has to work very hard to digest it, whereas white meat like chicken is more digestible and easier for the body to handle.


A few months ago we were invited to a celebration and red meat was on the menu, out of politeness I ate it but having not eaten it for so long I later paid the consequences with severe digestive problems as my body rejected what I'd ingested. I've noticed over the years and many personal convo's that a lot of men are attracted to red meat, they feel it gives them strength, it's a manly food, and yet those same men are very overweight and have health issues, just my personal experience.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Au contraire! The reason I eat beef, and in some cases raw pork mince is because they are low risk. Anyone who eats fish and foul put themselves at great risk.



Hi GJ - I'm sure you might want to expand on the low risk aspects because I have always been led to believe it was the opposite. I quite quickly found the article below from The Guardian which indicates via research which  was done over a 28 year period using 120,000 people that a fish, poultry and plant based diet leads to a longer life.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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