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I've cooked it for Mr Woo before once - whilst on holiday. It looked just like beef - TBH - the kids were quite small and I was cooking something else for us so I didn't titivate and take a lot of care over it - it was tough that's all I remember.


I have a number of French friends none of whom eat Cheval - I don't think it's all that commonplace - never seen it on a restaurant menu - then again I haven't looked for it.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by erinp:

No likey the new Avvie

Don't mind Gary Newman it's the eyes that creep me out .

Aw sorry Erin, as ever it will only last a short while.


I was inspired by my recent purchases. Just spent a silly amount of money on Numan CD's and DVD's. Don't tell anyone but I spent ÂĢ115. I'm sure he appreciates my contribution to his bank account!!!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:

No likey the new Avvie

Don't mind Gary Newman it's the eyes that creep me out .

Aw sorry Erin, as ever it will only last a short while.


I was inspired by my recent purchases. Just spent a silly amount of money on Numan CD's and DVD's. Don't tell anyone but I spent ÂĢ115. I'm sure he appreciates my contribution to his bank account!!!

You're not waiting for them to arrive from HMV are you?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by erinp:

No likey the new Avvie

Don't mind Gary Newman it's the eyes that creep me out .

Aw sorry Erin, as ever it will only last a short while.


I was inspired by my recent purchases. Just spent a silly amount of money on Numan CD's and DVD's. Don't tell anyone but I spent ÂĢ115. I'm sure he appreciates my contribution to his bank account!!!

You're not waiting for them to arrive from HMV are you?


Fortunately not Soozy, I bought them through his on-line shop. They arrived last week, I picked them up from the Post Office Saturday morning

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I see that Tesco is including it in their burgers as a free ingredient, but would you eat the burgers anyway?


Have you ever eaten the flesh of the horse?


Personally I have never knowingly eaten it, but given the opportunity I probably would try it.



Same here, EC.

If I can eat cow, bunny, chook and fluffy little lambs, I guess I can hardly call myself picky. 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I see that Tesco is including it in their burgers as a free ingredient, but would you eat the burgers anyway?


Have you ever eaten the flesh of the horse?


Personally I have never knowingly eaten it, but given the opportunity I probably would try it.



Same here, EC.

If I can eat cow, bunny, chook and fluffy little lambs, I guess I can hardly call myself picky. 

^^ Hardly - you're hard core - you like whelks FGS!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Saint:

I ate it by accident as a child passing through somewhere in France.

It had to be horse - it was nothing like anything i have tasted before or since.

Twas gorgeous!!

However i have now seen the light and am vegetarian

Good for you Saint, I hope to have the willpower for that one day I eat chicken and fish, never red meat and would never knowingly eat horse, the thought of it makes me feel nauseous

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I see that Tesco is including it in their burgers as a free ingredient, but would you eat the burgers anyway?


Have you ever eaten the flesh of the horse?


Personally I have never knowingly eaten it, but given the opportunity I probably would try it.



Same here, EC.

If I can eat cow, bunny, chook and fluffy little lambs, I guess I can hardly call myself picky. 

I'm the same, I've tried kangaroo, emu, ostrich, frogs legs & love escargot.  The only thing I've cooked and then couldn't face eating it (no pun) was ox cheeks. But yes given the opportunity I'd give it a try.  


I have also tried goat, but to me the smell of it was vile.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Saint:

I ate it by accident as a child passing through somewhere in France.

It had to be horse - it was nothing like anything i have tasted before or since.

Twas gorgeous!!

However i have now seen the light and am vegetarian

Good for you Saint, I hope to have the willpower for that one day I eat chicken and fish, never red meat and would never knowingly eat horse, the thought of it makes me feel nauseous


I tried being a vegetarian for a number of years, but then lapsed back into fish and poultry. I rarely eat red meat, but don't turn it down if offered (I sometimes eat at my Mum's and if she does a chili con carne then I feel it polite to eat it). But in the main it's just fish and poultry for me.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I love parsnips now but as a child I really hated them. Every Sunday my mm would put them on my plate amongst the roast potatoes in the hope that I wouldn't notice.


Love them now though 


I love parsnips too, especially honey roasted. I can't understand why they are not more liked. 

I love getting one of those speedy peeler for veg and making thin parsnip slices and putting them on a well oiled tray - into the oven as an alternative to crisps - they are so nommy 

Parsnips look like a particular type of vegetable thus the brain expects a certain taste. I can only eat beef and lean pork. Lamb has a dangerous fat content and mutton tastes dreadful. For a while I worked in a chemical factory which made chicken food. I can still smell it if people are using chicken and I can only eat heavily spiced material. Fish? No way!
Garage Joe

The problem with this is the slaughterhouse that the meat came from was not passed for horse slaughter so how did the horses get there and why?..

I can purchase an import license to bring a horse into the country for ₮35 and I don't need and medical documentation with that, so I can bring a horse in pumped with steroids and painkillers and sell it to a dodgy slaughterhouse....

I found this fella free to a good many horses like him have ended up in burgers?....

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I love parsnips now but as a child I really hated them. Every Sunday my mm would put them on my plate amongst the roast potatoes in the hope that I wouldn't notice.


Love them now though 


I love parsnips too, especially honey roasted. I can't understand why they are not more liked. 

I love getting one of those speedy peeler for veg and making thin parsnip slices and putting them on a well oiled tray - into the oven as an alternative to crisps - they are so nommy 


I went into a pub once where they were serving parsnip, beetroot and carrot crisps. All were very nice. The only downside is that they were charging a mint for them - or I would probably have eaten them more often.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



don't post pics of the lovely horses!!! 



Stonks - I grew up riding, cousins had horses (never did get my own)...  but did once go to the auctions with my uncle & cousins...    


the meat man outbid everyone for nearly all the horses 


What was meant to have been a fun day out ended up a heartbreaking nightmare 

Awww Ditts I bought my last 2 horses to save them going to market and sold them on private to someone I know, the horse world can be cold and callous..

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



don't post pics of the lovely horses!!! 



Stonks - I grew up riding, cousins had horses (never did get my own)...  but did once go to the auctions with my uncle & cousins...    


the meat man outbid everyone for nearly all the horses 


What was meant to have been a fun day out ended up a heartbreaking nightmare 

Awww Ditts I bought my last 2 horses to save them going to market and sold them on private to someone I know, the horse world can be cold and callous..



I want to go do that now...   one day I will.   When I am the mad animal woman of Essex (my retirement plan...   my desired menagerie is an ever increasing list of chickens & animals )


Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

I went into a pub once where they were serving parsnip, beetroot and carrot crisps. All were very nice. The only downside is that they were charging a mint for them - or I would probably have eaten them more often.




if you mean crisps and not chips   Aldi do a selection of these flavoured crisps or did   will have a look next time I am in 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:

I went into a pub once where they were serving parsnip, beetroot and carrot crisps. All were very nice. The only downside is that they were charging a mint for them - or I would probably have eaten them more often.




if you mean crisps and not chips   Aldi do a selection of these flavoured crisps or did   will have a look next time I am in 


Yes MrsH, they were the crisps I had. Can't say I have an Aldi near me, but my mum does. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



don't post pics of the lovely horses!!! 



Stonks - I grew up riding, cousins had horses (never did get my own)...  but did once go to the auctions with my uncle & cousins...    


the meat man outbid everyone for nearly all the horses 


What was meant to have been a fun day out ended up a heartbreaking nightmare 

Awww Ditts I bought my last 2 horses to save them going to market and sold them on private to someone I know, the horse world can be cold and callous..



I want to go do that now...   one day I will.   When I am the mad animal woman of Essex (my retirement plan...   my desired menagerie is an ever increasing list of chickens & animals )


I'm on an animal ban at the moment by himself....though he's also put me on a loo roll and conditioner ban aswell but he does'nt know I have 10 bottles of conditioner and about 78 loo rolls hidden in the loft, I also have enough Pharmetons and painkillers to stock a small Chemist hidden in my wardrobe..

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by MrsH:

if you mean crisps and not chips   Aldi do a selection of these flavoured crisps or did   will have a look next time I am in

Yes MrsH, they were the crisps I had. Can't say I have an Aldi near me, but my mum does.

Tesco have these on offer at the moment ÂĢ2.99 down to ÂĢ2

Tyrrells Natural Beetroot, Parsnip & Carrot Chips - Lightly Sea Salted (150g)

Originally Posted by stonks:


I'm on an animal ban at the moment by himself....though he's also put me on a loo roll and conditioner ban aswell but he does'nt know I have 10 bottles of conditioner and about 78 loo rolls hidden in the loft, I also have enough Pharmetons and painkillers to stock a small Chemist hidden in my wardrobe..

There is a disturbing similarity in our lives 


I'm on an animal ban too (we only have 1 dog & 1 cat..   plus the chickens that don't belong to me but I look after, fgs)


loo rolls - hahahahaha - always a touchy subject in this house!   and I have bags of them secreted away in secret locations (this is cos the boy is a nightmare with his loo roll usage)


Hair conditioner - I have been banned in the past - I am doing ok at the moment though.     I can see a nail product ban looming on the distant horizon!


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