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@Kaytee posted:

Been to the main places....lakes,Florence and Rome...oh and  Venice.....but not anywhere else really

Apart from Garda …….I’ve been to Milan ….Rome ….and then we drove down the coast and stayed in various places and ended up just south of Naples and Sorrento ….oh and Mr B had been to Venice (in a previous life )

@Baz posted:

Apart from Garda …….I’ve been to Milan ….Rome ….and then we drove down the coast and stayed in various places and ended up just south of Naples and Sorrento ….oh and Mr B had been to Venice (in a previous life )

I’m even more envious now

@Baz posted:

Apart from Garda …….I’ve been to Milan ….Rome ….and then we drove down the coast and stayed in various places and ended up just south of Naples and Sorrento ….oh and Mr B had been to Venice (in a previous life )

Never got south of Rome🤣

@Baz posted:

Apart from Garda …….I’ve been to Milan ….Rome ….and then we drove down the coast and stayed in various places and ended up just south of Naples and Sorrento ….oh and Mr B had been to Venice (in a previous life )

Oh and I went skiing in the Italian Alps …at Livignio

@Yogi19 posted:

I remember you telling us that. Must have been horrible.

More annoying than anything cos we couldn’t get a new Barclay card until we got back to Rome ….so we had to use all our spending money for the hotels ….luckily , cos of an inheritance  , we had a lot of cash with us ……which was in my handbag

Last edited by Baz
@Baz posted:

More annoying than anything cos we couldn’t get a new Barclay card until we got back to Rome ….so we had to use all our spending money for the hotels ….luckily , cos of an inheritance  , we had a lot of cash with us ……

Lucky you had enough cash with you

@Baz posted:

Not half !🤣🤣🤣Thats what I liked about Garda , not quite as bad 🤣🤣

Florence isn’t quite as bad as Rome....yes, much more reasonable on Como as well....although Lugano being Swiss is a bit OTT🤣

@Kaytee posted:

Florence isn’t quite as bad as Rome....yes, much more reasonable on Como as well....although Lugano being Swiss is a bit OTT🤣

Yes…..but I have to admit I liked Lugano …and Lucerne


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