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@Baz posted:

Yes, I think that would be me too I prefer southern courtesy and hospitality .

Taxi driver didn’t properly check the money my son gave him (which had a very generous tip) and he told son he hadn’t tipped enough. Don’t think he expected the Scottish response to a cheeky git who was in the wrong. 😂😂😂

@Kaytee posted:

Awww they aren’t all like that....although Mr KT has just said that most NY hotels are very tacky to our taste

🤣🤣🤣I have to say my son enjoyed it …..but then he can do rude 🤣🤣🤣

@Kaytee posted:

Awww they aren’t all like that....although Mr KT has just said that most NY hotels are very tacky to our taste

We met two very nice girls from New York last time we were up the Highlands

@Yogi19 posted:

Taxi driver didn’t properly check the money my son gave him (which had a very generous tip) and he told son he hadn’t tipped enough. Don’t think he expected the Scottish response to a cheeky git who was in the wrong. 😂😂😂

Way to go Master Yogi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣

@Yogi19 posted:

Middle son had barely got off the plane when he was about to throttle a cheeky taxi driver😂

We have a New Yorker in the is absolutely loaded,but she’s more New England than NY

@Baz posted:

My son is actually very polite , but doesn’t suffer fools gladly ….and is the master of put downs

When we were at the airport in Florida ,the flight had been overbooked and a little shit of airport staff was insulting the passengers in Spanish.....he got a right shock when I went over and slated him in home and complained about his attitude to the a reply saying that he had been sacked and a refund for our flight....result!🤣


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