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They had to take the plate in my other leg Out cos it was playing up  .....or at least they tried , cos it had been in there about 20 years ....but like Julian says , the bone and nerves had grown across it they had to invent a special tool and shear it off ....leaving all the screw shafts in ! I bliddy well hope they never have to take the one in my ankle out !

Last edited by Baz
@Baz posted:

They had to take the plate out in my other leg cos it was playing up  .....or at least they tried , cos it had been in there about 20 years ....but like Julian says , the bone and nerves had grown across it the had to invent a special tool and shear it off ....leaving all the screw shafts in ! I bliddy well hope they never have to take the one in my ankle out !

 That sounds horrific 

@Baz posted:

They had to take the plate in my other leg Out cos it was playing up  .....or at least they tried , cos it had been in there about 20 years ....but like Julian says , the bone and nerves had grown across it they had to invent a special tool and shear it off ....leaving all the screw shafts in ! I bliddy well hope they never have to take the one in my ankle out !

Rocking Ros Rose

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