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I'm not trying to be too self absorbed, but I was wondering if you could rate four key points of my BHC thread contributions.


  1.  Quality of comment including importance of information, accuracy and tone.
  2. Level of humour displayed.
  3. Interaction with other contributors.
  4. Contribution level, too much,too little, just the right amount.


If you could score each point out of 127.8. I will aggregate the score and produce as result out of 120, which is the speed of a cheetah.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I'm not trying to be too self absorbed, but I was wondering if you could rate four key points of my BHC thread contributions.


  1.  Quality of comment including importance of information, accuracy and tone.
  2. Level of humour displayed.
  3. Interaction with other contributors.
  4. Contribution level, too much,too little, just the right amount.


If you could score each point out of 127.8. I will aggregate the score and produce as result out of 120, which is the speed of a cheetah.



Hi EC  Ok ...

127.8 to all 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

I can't watch sick animals, so will leave it to you both. I also have to get sorted for tomorrow, got an early start , so early to bed for me. Have a good evening 


P.S. Next week I am on a course in Bristol, so may not be around much.

Awwww ok EC .....hope you can pop in when you can , cos we miss you 

Baz posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Baz posted:
Rocking Ros Rose posted:
Baz posted:

Oooo I love the rough collie 

and me -gorgeous - but not as much as kitty's

Yes , tbh i am not really a doggie person 

nor me but do like how pleased they are to see their owners although my cat runs to meet me and purrs

AwwwwSammy demands tummy rubs now !

yes I get that as well - she rolls over - my last cat hated  having her tummy touched but  moo loves it

Rocking Ros Rose

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