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@Baz posted:

I just glare from behind my mask

lol hope your glare is scary enough.

I have never liked people behind, getting too close if I am in a queue anyway. They don't seem to cotton on that it doesn't make the queue go quicker if they breathe down your neck.

went to town today and no one was wearing masks either.

amazing how quickly it all disappeared.

@*mollie* posted:

lol hope your glare is scary enough.

I have never liked people behind, getting too close if I am in a queue anyway. They don't seem to cotton on that it doesn't make the queue go quicker if they breathe down your neck.

went to town today and no one was wearing masks either.

amazing how quickly it all disappeared.

I agree No one wears a mask around here either …but I do if I venture into my local shop ….and will continue to do so….even though I,get strange looks


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