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@Baz posted:

🀣🀣🀣🀣yes, but we can afford the best , and we could hire a driver , cook and butler 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣

yes no problem with Dame;s card on standby.

But how can you have a flushing toilet?

Surely you'd have to empty it if a chemical one, or connect it to some sewerage pipe at a campsite?

as you can guess, I am not an experienced camper, only did it once when young, and can still remember nights trying to find the toilet block in the dark!

@*mollie* posted:

yes no problem with Dame;s card on standby.

But how can you have a flushing toilet?

Surely you'd have to empty it if a chemical one, or connect it to some sewerage pipe at a campsite?

as you can guess, I am not an experienced camper, only did it once when young, and can still remember nights trying to find the toilet block in the dark!

I went camping a couple of times ….but let’s face it , with Dames credit card in tow we could afford to sign into a 5 star overnight ….

@Baz posted:

🀣🀣🀣🀣don’t worry , I’ll have them do it while I’m in the nearest champagne bar 🀣🀣🀣🀣

@Baz posted:

🀣🀣🀣not with the wages I’m offering 🀣🀣🀣

As I said, our Baz has it all planned and with Dame's credit card to hand, there is no limit to her plans.


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